Chapter 10- This is Gospel

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Echo's of gunshots bounce of the walls from behind, crisp as the cold wind, and suddenly I fall hitting the wet pavement with a thud. Winded and shocked I roll over to see the damage. The vampire stumbles, inspecting the small hole just below his heart before he turns and a second bullet strikes his shoulder. With a roar he lurches forward toward the shooter as another hits his chest. He falls but still has the ability to scurry around the small corner, and to my shock, sticking his fingers into the wound, plucking free the bullets and emerging into the alley in no time.

I cover my ears as another round of bullets hit but this time it causes him to fall immediately. Incredibly he is not bleeding excessively, only a slight stain from where he wiped his fingers after wrenching the bullets free. I crawl on my hand and knees as the shooter, who I now recognize, jogs toward me. As she passes his body, he attempts to stand but she shoots quickly shoots him again, this time into the skull, before yelling, "Quick he won't stay down long! Follow me!"

Taking an exasperated breath, having a final look at his perfect face, eyes wide and conscious, before turning and following. I could swear I saw tears in those blue pools, and I believe this when the whisper of a "sorry," escapes from behind me. I force myself to not look back, to not be stupid, to run. We round the corner and bolt through a church yard before reaching St Anne's Anglican church and busting through its stone arched doorway. I keel over as she, the shooter, closes the door behind us, trying desperately to catch my breath.

"Nice to see you Dan," she half laughs.

"Yeah you too Louise," I chuckle, in disbelief sitting down on the floor, placing my head in my hand, "Also how the fuck did we get in this situation. Since when do you shoot people? You're a cashier!?"

She decides to ignore all my questions, face becoming deathly serious. "Do you know what that is Dan?"

I look into her eyes, studying whether she's joking cause surely this has to be one giant prank.

"Well, I...uhh.." I start before she cuts me off.

"He... It's a vampire. And a bloody dangerous one at that," she says tucking her pistol into the back of her jeans, heading over to the holy water cabinet behind the alter.

"You're joking right?" I laugh, smiling slightly though it falters, trying to make light of the situation because honestly this has to be one big joke for like a TV show or something.

She looks up banging the metallic container down hard.

"Have a look at your neck and tell me if this is a joke," she says harshly, surprising me as she has always been so sweet. Tentatively I bring my hand to my neck, and sure as sure the two puncture wounds are present, bleeding quite excessively.

"Here," she says, handing me a bandage, before returning to filling tiny capsules with the liquid from the container, "We don't need the smell of blood lingering right now."

My eyes well as I begin to panic, "What do we do?" I ask, wrapping the bandage around my neck.

"Well you can stay here for starters." She begins loading her bullets with a click, "and I'm gonna shoot the damn thing."

My stomach twists at the thought of him hurt, "Will it kill him?" I ask worriedly.

"Unfortunately not. You can't really kill a vampire. Though this particular guy has a weakness which I tend to exploit, with this," she holds up the gun, "Bullets filled and dipped in a holy water sort of oil substance. Nearly every church has this stuff somewhere."

I swallow, trying the moisten the dry back of my throat. I have no reason to be so attached to this guy. I've got some kind of Stockholm syndrome for sure.

Louise is pushing out the door in a flash and I expect to hear gunfire, covering my ears and stepping back until I'm up against the cold, stained glass window. It's not your typical image though, a gremlin like creature chained being fed the head of a beautiful boy. I find it somewhat chilling to the overall situation and oddly placed besides two windows of Jesus and his disciples.

It's silent. Too silent. I quickly walk over to the jug of water putting some in a small flask I found inside my jacket. My torn and stained jackets might I add. Catching a glimpse of myself in the metallic reflection doesn't help to brighten these dire times, as I see the rugged outline of my face, smeared with blood and dirt completed with the classic dark circles under the eyes.


Sarcastic Dan loves to make an appearance at the most terrible times.

"Louise...?" I call hesitantly, wanting and not wanting to attract the vampires attention.

"Yeah I'm fII...N..." scraping of boots on cement followed by a thud sends me running, towards the door. Rounding the corner, I see her lying unconscious though appearing un-injured leaning against the stone wall.

"Dan..." a voice says from behind. Whipping around to see the vampire boy, hands up in surrender, "I am myself Dan, please..." he begs. His eyes are blue but I still grip the holy water tightly behind my back.

"Let me drink some. I can proof to you I am no harm please," his voice cracks at the end as he extends his hand, eyes pleading.

I'm stuck at a checkmate within. Do I do the smart thing and attempt to run and get Louise's gun? But I know I can't out run him. It would be suicide. Or should I trust him...? Surely not trust him... I think as I lower the flask between us, maintaining eye contact. Well yes Dan, apparently you do trust him.

I take a few steps back to put space between us as he picks up the flask and drinks. I know it causes him pain as he chokes, steam flying from his mouth as if the water is boiling on the way down. But he drinks it all, placing the flask back into our checkmate.

"We need to get your friend somewhere and probably not a hospital as they will ask too many question and I don't think you can explain that a vampire attacked her, nor why you too were in a church at this ungodly hour." He looks up to the moon as if triggered by the sudden press for time.

"I know you won't trust me, but I can take her back to mine. You are welcome to come..." he looks away.

"It not exactly like I have many options. It's your fault we are in this mess," I say slightly saltier than I intended. Well, it's not like I'm wrong.

"Yeah..." the awkwardness thickens. I walk to Louise's body, picking the gun up from where it lay and turning to aim it at the boy.

"You have to pick her up, but I swear to god if you try ANYTHING, you are getting multiple bullets into that skull of yours." I spit it with the most venom I can muster, which is surprisingly quite a lot.

He lifts her effortlessly, but very gentle as to not disturb her unconsciousness.

I click the safety off the gun, and aiming in the center of his head.

"Now walk."


Yeah it's been a long time coming. Please tell me your opinions because sometimes I need that lil kick of positivity and it gets me writing.

Also thankyou if you have commented or liked because that is legit the reason I'm back writing. Also feeling mega post show depression after seeing TATINOF in Sydney!!! Ahh bless, I met so many people and everyone just became friends so fast! There are a few pics on my Instagram if you want to check them out! – Liv_Clarice xx

Have a swell week! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2017 ⏰

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