Chapter 2- Maybe i wouldn't mind...

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Hey guys!

Thankyou so much for the  reads so far. I am super excited for this story and have TONNES of ideas! I just wanted to let you know that when I use italics, its dan talking inside his head. Any way I think thats it. Let me know if there are any mistakes or any ideas you have.

Thanks little devils:P


I'm going to die. This is it.  I can see the crumpled body of the boy over the dark haired murderers shoulder.

The wall is cold against my bare arms. I'd forgotten my jacket and was just going to detour through the alley to get it, when I stumbled across the scene. A raven haired boy with a bloody stained shirt and a lifeless form behind him. And before I'd known it I'm pinned up against the wall looking into his deep red eyes, that make me pause. His deep red inhuman eyes.

"Don't do anything or I'll kill you," he growls into my ear and I freeze momentarily but the feeling of his warm breath on my neck causes a shiver to run down my spine. Not out of cold but something of pleasure. I realize the position he has me pinned against the wall. His knee in my crotch. Not that I get abducted all the time or anything but isn't that a bit weird... Is he going to rape me? I look up, back to his face.

Maybe I wouldn't mind...

DAN!!! This is not the time to be thinking about sex! I chastise myself. Even in the midst of being quiet possibly murdered I can't help myself. It's not that I'm sleazy or anything, just a little kinky. But before I can form another thought he's thrown me over his shoulder with a surprising strength that I didn't think could be contained in that lanky body, and we are fleeing down the dirty alley, the opposite way I had come. He keeps a firm grip around my waist, so effortlessly it's as if I weigh paper. I don't even think of struggling, I'm in complete shock

I'm not sure how long he runs before it becomes a fast paced walk and I soon loose where we are as he expertly twists and turns down alleys and shortcuts I never even knew existed. We stop at a surprisingly normal building, where he releases me.

"Don't even think about running, cause you'll be dead before your first step," he says casually, but still with that deadly air that leaves no doubt that he would. I don't even want to test his words. I look around assessing the area, not recognizing anything. The building we are at is completely cement but appears to be painted white, actually giving off a nice bright look.

Swiftly and smoothly the door opens and he grabs me by the wrist dragging me inside, kicking the door closed behind us. Many flights of stairs lay ahead and after what seems like an entire lifetimes worth of exercise we reach another door.

Is this some sort of torture chamber? What is he planning to do with me? Surely, he wouldn't have brought me all this way if he just wanted to kill me. he would have done it in the alley way. Surely. Surely...

Despite my weak reassurances I can feel anxiety building its way up, tightening my chest and making my eyes fill.

No one will even notice I'm gone until it's too late. I live alone and my parents only call around once a year. We're both so busy they won't think its that odd.

But when the door opens its not what I expected. Its just an apartment. A long hallway greets us with lush creamy-white carpet, and I see glimpses into rooms. Some computers, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom. He stops when we reach the end of the hall and opens the door on the left opposite the bedroom. Inside is another bedroom, rather bare. Nothing on the walls, just a plain white bed sitting in the centre.

What is this? What's going on?

Questions are running through my head but I decide to ask the most pressing question.

"What are you going to do with me?"

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