Chapter 7 - Powerful but Powerless

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Crisp air whips through the tree, causing the leaves to shudder and fall. The creak of the branches under its pressure add to the sounds of the city night, in an oddly calming way.

I crouch, mounted low on a thick branch, watching. She struggles as the wind twists her blonde hair into knots and sends her red scarf flying across the park.

Perfect opportunity.

I jump down and sprint across the mushy grass, snatching up the scarf with ease. As she fixes her hair she turns around and sees me walking back to her, smiling as she spots the scarf in my hand.

"I believe this is yours," I say, laying the charm on thick.

"Oh, thankyou," smiling shyly as she reaches over. The wind blows her scent all around almost to the point where it is smothering me. I need an escape and food is always a good escape.

"Mummy! " screams a little girl with wild curly hair, snapping me out of my state.
The woman bends down and picks her up scolding gently, " You need to be more careful running around Darcy. Mummy was starting to panic!"

"Sorry mummy," whimpers the little girl hugging the woman tightly.

She turns back to me and says another quick thankyou before briskly walking off. I just stand there watching them disappear behind the trees. Why aren't I going after them? Food is food after all and little children have never bothered me before...

Something is changing. The thing - in my mind- is moving,manipulating. It's become more controlling.

It's trying to starve me out...

To allow me only to fee on the boy. The realisation stabs me immensely. It sad when you can't even control yourself. When you don't have responsibility over your own actions. It's like before... All those years ago... My family...

Feeling smart? Figured it out did we? grins the voice.

Immense frustration rushes through me and I wish I could just rip my own head off. Immortality really sucks in that way. You can feel emotional pain but nothing physical. And you can't even kill yourself! Trust me I've tried many a time and in many a way. No knife could pierce my flesh, no gun could penetrate my skin, no impact could rupture my body. So powerful yet powerless in the simplest of things.

He knows he's got me. Got me trapped in the only way I can be. Either feed and continue "living" or starve and slowly turn to stone. But he knows that if I feed I kill. Kill the only thing that has made me really feel any positive emotion in decades. He wants me to suffer and all to pay a debt I don't even owe.

It's still early morning so I have a little time before sunrise. I find myself wandering. Before I know it I'm on the edge of the main road at Piccadilly Circus. Even in the early morning, traffic is fairly consistent. Distant sirens wail off to solve the latest pub brawl or crash scene. The decades truly are getting worse. Crime more violent, children more vile, men more drunk, women more manly.
Being from a century where women were cooks and house maids it is quite an odd concept for me to grasp.
Not necessarily a bad thing but preconceived ideas ingrained for centuries can be hard to rid yourself off.

I stand at the edge of the road for God knows how long pondering my options. I know I won't be able to last more then 2 days without feeding but then what? Do I feed on him? It's insane how much I want to. Crave to. I let myself relish in the memory of his body beneath me. The heat from his body, the smoothness of his skin. And oh his scent...
Uhh what am I doing?!?! I scream internally.
I think you were enjoying yourself... Whispers the voice.

I sigh and step off the side of the curb onto the road. I run all the way home avoiding main roads so not to be seen. At the speed I run it would seem a bit unusual...
I concentrate on the physical task just think about my movements and breathing. Running has become second nature to me. Running from my problems especially. A good chase It can be quite exhilarating though, preferably being in the predatory position.

I arrive in record time (literally) and walk to the door, not even out of breath. I reach for he door knob and freeze. I still haven't decided what I'm going to do. That was the entire purpose of this fucking walk!

It twist door knob slightly harshly and barge inside the silent apartment. Standing, facing down the hall way which most of the rooms come off.

"Boy!" I yell out, loud enough for him to hear me surely, "Come here."

At first the air is still but then a slight stirring come from the room followed by the creak of the bed. The door slides open slowly and and one eye peeps around the frame.

"Yes..." He forces out in the quietest tone possible. Eyes full of fear of the unknown.

"Follow me. We're going to have a little chat."

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