Chapter 5- Devilish Desires

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Heylo children- this may be a bit of a confusing chapter but all will be explain! i just wanted to let you know that the demon is an actual demon and I'm not just using it metaphorically! Thnks bubs:P

Blood thirst. It clouds my mind, my judgement, my vision. I'm no longer me. And deep down I know this. But consciously I control nothing, know nothing. A demonic possession.

I've felt it coming and going for a few days now. Slight changes in the way I think. That inner voice coaxing me to do certain unspeakable things. Generally i am like your normal vampire (if that can ever be normal) but due to the interesting circumstances of my rebirth I have some... characteristics other vampires don't acquire. It's truly a long story

The alter ego rips from my body. He knows what I want. No matter how much I tell myself I don't. He knows. And he's going to use it against me. My wants and desires.

My strength can do nothing to resist the invasion. The sweet, innocent boy is suddenly beneath me and I'm mixed with desire and dread; desire for the boy and dread because I know the demon prince inside wants to use that against me. He (well, I) grind down roughly but as I've been shoved behind the curtains of my mind I can't feel. I hear my physical body growl darkly and the demon in my mind whispering - Admit it you're enjoying this...

And in spite of the situation I answer- Well I might if I could actually feel it....

I should not have said - well, thought- that! I basically just admitted I wanted this. This boy. He's now a weapon to be used against me. He is becoming my weakness. I shouldn't have brought him home! But then was it even me that brought him home?

I feel a shift. It's hard to explain but it's like I've been brought forward -more into consciousness - in my mind. Not enough to even gain control but I can feel. I grinds down again and oh god this feels good... The brown eyed boy gasps in pleasure, arching his back slightly, mouth open, neck exposed. My ego takes this opportunity and dives down, fangs bared, slamming our hips together aggressively.

I feel it. I pierce his neck and that sweet, sweet blood begins a slow trickle into my mouth. Everything feels so right. Pure bliss. I lick over the new wounds before taking a bigger deeper bite. The boys eyes flash with fear but they're clouded with the ecstasy my bite provides. 

But I control what they feel. I control. My mind finally snaps. I'm back in the front. I'm controlling this. The demon's gone. He's trying to show me this is what I want. To show me I'm just as evil as him.

Oh but I can't stop....

I continue sucking away as the body beneath me becomes stiller and stiller, less responsive by the second. My hands entangled in the boys’ shirt, tearing holes with my strength. My hips continue a slow rhythm but grind roughly. I let out a moan onto his neck.

This is wrong! WRONG WRONG WRONG!!! My mind screams. The demon, however, is silent.

What am I doing? I freeze.

I throw myself across the room and into the wall and look at this mess I've created.

This looks like some horrible rape murder. And I’ve, sadly, seen a few of them in my time. I'm astounded and sickened with myself. I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and it comes back thickly smeared with blood. The sheets lie in a twisted mess on the floor, blood splashed like red paint over the bare mattress and the body.


I can't move. i can't even form a coherent word other than 'fuck'.

I see a small rise and fall of his chest and if I did breathe that would be a breath of relief. I collapse to the floor, head in my hands. What have i done?

I need to get out of here go somewhere to think. To decide what to do with this boy before it's too late and I ruin him. I can't leave him like this though.

I struggle into a standing position and try my very best to keep these emotions locked away. To stop the flooding guilt before it becomes unbearable. I lift his limp body and lie him down on the floor as I strip the stained sheets and chuck them in the hallway, every now and then checking the boy is still breathing. I get a cloth and soak it in some water wiping the crusty streaks of blood from his neck. The wound’s still leaking slightly, it was quite deep. I push the sickened feeling of culpability down and focus on the task. I can see the begins of a nasty bruise around it too. His shirt also torn and red smeared I discard and I look onto the varying blotches of coloured skin. Purple, brown, yellow, all up his sides. Five small circular marks on each hip. My hand grip. I also see faded silver scars on his wrists. Some longer and darker than others.

This poor boy... I think. He's been through so much and look what I have done to him!

Goosebumps begin to form up his arms and I realise I've been absent-mindedly stroking his bare chest with my icicle hands. I quickly sprint to my room and grab my bat shirt (ironic-and who said vampires didn't have a sense of humour?) and a jacket.

 I slip them on his soft body and quickly redo the bed, laying him in the sheets. I make sure I've re-wiped the wound and fixed the furniture before closing the door quietly, locking it –more to keep me out then him in-  and disappearing into the busy darkened chaos of the city.


Hey more author stuff---

I'm hopefully going to have some exciting news soon but thats going to depend on how the next few chapters go.

But first I want to know what perspective you want me to write from next? I've alternated between chapters so far but for the next chapter I can't decide!!! I'm enjoying writing from this dominant POV atm (kinky i know) but if you want me to continue alternating, no problem.

So ultimately the question is DAN OR PHIL?!?!

Secondly, big thankyou to all you readers. You all are completely insane which is a good thing!:P

Thirdly, I'd like to acknowledge a certain reader. Someone along the lines of Aka-awesomeness for being tots amazeballs and especially for liking my christmassy shitty story so thanks bubJ

And lasty best wishes for chrissy. Sorry this chapter took a while.

Thankyou children!!!


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