Chapter 3 - Hungry and a little horny...???

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"What are you going to do with me?"

The question lingers, echoing off the walls around us. I don't have an answer. The silence continues to stretch as his eyes shift nervously between me and the wrought iron double bed. I realise I'm still holding his upper arm with quite a bit of strength and release him abruptly, with a bit more force then I intended to use, sending him tumbling inside the door and to the ground.

He looks up at me with those delicious, startled brown eyes. His face is a little shocked and wary as he straightens up into a sitting position. I have to breathe deeply to stay in control and not pounce. He smells too good.

I turn, leaving the room slamming the door behind me so hard it shakes the entire wall.

I slide down the closed door, head in my hands. What have I done! This is crazy!. I have no idea what to do with him. Never have I felt been so fixated by attraction. Not even when I was human. I want to hold him down and grind roughly against him, watch him squirm with pleasure and a slight fear underneath me as I lick and suck and his neck hinting at what's to come. I want suck him dry... but not just his blood...  

Uhh this is so frustrating! I'm a vampire I can take what I want, when I want it! Then why aren't I doing it now!?

Because I want him to like me, I realize in astonishment. In the last 200 years I've never cared for what people thought. Their opinions didn't matter to me. They were useless weak humans that would die within the next 50 years or so. Irrelevant life forms. But why is it only now, with this one boy that I suddenly care?

I let out a frustrated groan and push off, standing up. My reflection stares back at me. Wild raven black hair, hungry dark red eyes and porcelain pale skin, completing the classic vampire look. My pearl white fangs slightly peak out of my bottom lip and I know I am hungry again. I usually don't need to feed so regularly but after this emotionally draining experience I must need a little more.

Grabbing my jacket from the hook I open the door. The cool breeze carrying the smells of human gushes into my face causing my fangs to extend out further. But nothing smells as good as that boy. Hmm just the thoughts send me wild...

Why am I going out to look for prey and not just feeding on that delectable boy sitting and waiting in my spare room? So vulnerable. Practically begging me to drink.

I close the door and flick the lock closed.

I think I'm going to have some fun tonight...

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