Instagram DM between RIVER and ELIZABETH
Hi River! I just wanted to thank you again for last night.
You were incredible 💓itberiver
If anyone should be thanking people, it should be me lol. I still can't believe that I actually met you last night??? Like in person???
And that we had an actual conversation??thelizzieolsen
You're telling me! I'm still
kind of in shock 😂
Also, Chris hasn't shut up about
meeting you. He's been annoying the crap out of everyone on setitberiver
omg really
And my best friend Ruby is still freaking out over the fact that she got to hold your phone 😂
We're kind of like, major Marvel fangirls lolthelizzieolsen
You're a major Marvel fangirl, I'm a major River Kane fangirl, we're a perfect match
Listen, I gotta get back on set, but I'd really like to keep talking with you. Here's my number, you can text me anytime you want! Talk to you later, River 😊💗
(xxx) xxx-xxxxitberiver
Talk to you later, Lizzie 💕
Spectrum 》Chris Evans
FanfictionIn which a quirky singer from Canada catches Captain America's eye {MOSTLY SOCIAL MEDIA}