~Annika: Chapter 7~

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"What are you talking about? What the hell is a 'Dark Princess'?" I hadn't meant for it to come out so harsh, but I was utterly confused. Although, some part of me believed the crap that was uttered from this guy's lips. I knew deep down that what he said was correct and that I was the last of this so called 'Dark Princess' race. I just had absolutely no idea what a Dark Princess was to begin with. He stared hard at me for a moment, probably pondering whether he should tell me or not. He must've seen something he liked because he then explained to me what a 'Dark Princess' actually was.

"A Dark Princess is one of the most powerful breed of Demons, Annika. You see, your mother had been one before she had... died. There is still no clue as to how she'd died to begin with, but people in our world believed that she was placed under some kind of curse that had somehow killed her from the inside. So now, you're the only one left of your race. You're stronger than us all and you are the legacy that will keep us Demons alive." I stared at him is disbelief for a moment, trying to work out how all of this fit together. What scared me the most was that the more that I pondered this, the more it began to make sense. But what didn't add up was why my father had left me alone with humans all of my life, when it was obvious that I would have been safer with him.

"Okay, I'm beginning to get all of this, but I have a question." I looked up and met his eyes; the very same eyes that mirrored my own. He nodded for me to continue on and I did just that. "Why did you leave me with humans when it would be safer for me to have stayed with you?" He thought this over, analyzing it and thinking of how to respond to such a question correctly. When he finally got the answer for it, he looked over to me for a second before turning and looking up into the sky that was beginning to descend into dusk. It was rather beautiful, but we couldn't just stand here all day looking at this when there was an assassin out there right now looking for me and readying himself to kill me.

"Okay Annika. The reason why I had left you with humans all of your life is because what you said was not correct. The first place they would've come looking for you would be with me. I knew that if I hid you among the humans that it would stall time and you wouldn't have to be drawn into all of this for a while. I wanted to protect you from danger all in all. They wouldn't have thought that a Demon would even dare leave their own child with mortals and so... that's the reason they hadn't found you all of these years. But it seems that they have finally caught on to where you had been... just a little too late because you weren't home at the time that your... foster parents had been... murdered." He tried to lessen the hurt, but I knew he wouldn't be able to do such a thing. Demons weren't meant to calm people, they are meant for destruction. So he wasn't the least bit worried about their death, just about me in general. I smiled slightly at his worry for me before I responded.

"So it would have been better if I had been with the humans then?" He nodded in response and I continued on. "But, if they have finally spotted me, then what am I supposed to do? Will you be teaching me how to harness my powers or something? Because I don't even know how to conjure them!" I exclaimed, not sure whether I'd even be strong enough to fight my way through if I don't even know how to use my powers. He studied me for a couple of seconds before responding.

"Are you strong physically?" He asked, probably referring to whether I could fight physically. I nodded, knowing that I had taken martial arts and other self-defense classes. My foster parents had wanted to prepare me for if something horrible happened to me or not. I gasped, now understanding what they meant by that, because where I lived... it was relatively safe, other than what had happened to my foster parents. They knew what I was, which is why they had adopted me in the first place. They had repeatedly told me during my entire life that I was special and would do great things in life. Tears almost sprung to my eyes at the thought that they wouldn't be here when I did accomplish something in world. I held back the tears though, determination beginning to pump through my veins. That was when my biological father spoke again. "Then I will teach you how to master your abilities. But, I won't be able to show you how to master them completely, due to the fact that we just don't have the time for that and that they could show up at any given time. I just put a spell on the island to keep whoever shows up busy while I train you, but they're not that stupid and will eventually find their way through it. So come on, let's go to the training grounds." I followed him as he briskly walked away from me and into the forest ahead of us.

"Ahh!" I yelled out once again as I collapsed onto the ground, beaten by my father for what felt like the millionth time. I was beginning to get irritated by him and his roughness. I had just started and he's not even trying to go easy on me! He smiled, as if he sensed my anger, which only angered me all the more as a grin stretched across his face. I rose to my feet once again and charged him in fury. Suddenly, I leaped and was flying towards him at an unbelievable speed, my body beginning to hum with energy. It made me a little hesitant, but it seemed as if my body wasn't going to back down so I had to go through whatever it was about to do to my father. A beam of light shot out of me then and everything near us exploded, being wiped out from whatever just shot out from my body. I landed on my father then, pinning him onto the ground, breathing heavily. He smiled proudly.

"I knew you had it in you. I guess the trigger is anger, which seems to be hard to do because it takes forever to anger you. What, did you take anger management classes as well? I had to basically throw you onto the ground about 15 times before it pissed you off!" He exclaimed. I exhaled, and finally everything settled in and I realized what I had just done. I took in my surroundings and all the trees had been knocked onto the ground and dust was just settling back onto the ground. I smiled victoriously at the scene. I finally conjured up some magic! My father rolled his eyes at my late reaction and was still waiting for me to reply to him. I smirked at him before I did so.

"Actually, I was thinking about going to anger management classes because... I lose my temper easily, but I ended up going against it because it seemed as if it'd be boring." We both chuckled at that and then stood back up, about to go another round when we suddenly stopped. My ears had picked up a sound and it seemed as if my father's had as well. Suddenly, a huge cracking sound erupted from all around us. They must have finally found a way around the illusion that they were in. It was quicker than we had thought possible though. I whipped around and then met my father's gaze. He looked alarmed and then he motioned for me to get behind him, unsure of what to expect when the illusion would completely shatter.

It didn't take long for that to happen. It sounded as if glass were breaking into a million pieces and I covered my ears, not wanting to hear the horrid sound. I then heard an annoyed sigh.

"Took long enough for it to finally break." A very familiar voice said. I gasped, not knowing what this meant. It couldn't be him! I looked up and was met by very familiar eyes. Shit!

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