~Annika: Chapter 11~

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The smirk seemed to stop my movement, allowing me to control my body once more as I wonder what the hell he had up his sleeves. He slowly stood up from the ground and that was when I noticed that he had no wounds whatsoever. What the hell? He was able to heal as fast as me, but he was only half! There was no way that he could be like me, because I was the last of my race! I could feel his gaze on me, but he wasn't doing anything, so I decided to ignore it. When I heard him taking steps towards me though, I decided to act as if I didn't know he was coming towards me.

Acting ended up turning into something more as I began to ponder his healing even more. I lost track of why I was supposed to be keeping my guard up at this moment and forgot that Shayne was making his way over to me. So it startled me when I felt cool air hit my ears, as if someone was breathing on them. I tensed and that was when I heard his melodic voice.

"Yeah Annika... let the games begin." His sexy, husky voice murmured, making my body shiver in reaction. Not liking the way that was affecting me right now, I shook my head mentally and pushed him away, needing to concentrate. The only problem was, it only pushed him a couple of steps away because he stilled himself. That was when his gaze lazily found mine and I hated that I hadn't been able to cover up most of my shock of how my body had reacted to his. As the intense stare-down took place, neither of us did a thing; that was... until my father decided to speak.

"I know what you are." But he wasn't talking to me. At the same time as Shayne, I broke the intense stare-down and focused my gaze on my father.

"What do you mean you know what he is?" I asked, irritated that our games had been postpones now, because my new found dad was telling us riddles. Shayne seemed to be fixated on my father though, as if he really wanted to know what he was. My father slowly looked towards me before speaking once more.

"I know what he is Annika. Can't you tell what he is? He can heal just like you and your powers are almost equal. Even though yours are stronger than his because he is only half." I looked at him, clueless as to what he was talking about, but Shayne froze... seeming to have finally realized what my father was speaking about.

"Shit! This can't be true. Do not tell me that we are related in any way." Shayne said, almost panicked. My father laughed at that, as if it were the funniest thing he'd ever heard.

"Well of course you're not related to each other. You're supposed to be Annika's lover of course." With those words said, we were both once again confused. What the hell was he on about? Lover? There was no way that we were lovers. We can barely tolerate each other, and this guy was here to kill me anyway.

"Very funny... now just spit out what you think you know about him already pops. Stop talking in riddles." My dad rolled his eyes at me before sighing in exasperation. Looking between the two of us, he spoke once more.

"Shayne is... what you would call a Dark Prince. He is supposed to be your lover because you 2 are all that is left of your race. I had thought that a Dark Prince was myth, because Dark Princesses are what everyone knew. Dark Princes are even rarer than Dark Princesses, hun. But what I don't get is how he could only be half of a Dark Prince. Those races are usually made as wholes." He seemed to be deep in thought at this moment, and I took this moment to look at my so called 'lover'.

He seemed to have the same idea though, because we looked at each other at the same exact time. We studied each other as if the other weren't looking. I could see why I would be attracted to him, but how was it even possible that this guy could possibly be my lover? I looked away from him finally, deciding to turn my thoughts more inward and not allow him to see any of the emotions on my face. But before I could do so, I was interrupted by him.

"It can't be true, Annika. There is no way that I am a race known as the 'Dark Prince'. That would make me one powerful dude, and I just don't see it. Maybe I am just a regular demon... but more like... a demon that heals really fast? There's also no way that the both of us are lovers." I just looked at him as he spoke, not really paying attention to what he was saying because I was still pondering on how the hell this could have happened. But somehow, in my twisted brain, it felt right to call this person who I had only met hours ago, my lover.

I wonder what it would feel like to kiss a lover. Would I feel sparks like everyone talks about? I hadn't noticed that he had started walking towards me until I felt his cool breath hit my neck once more. I started, surprised by the proximity between us. Why was he so close when he had just said that he wasn't my lover? He had denied us being lovers, but thinking about it... it just seemed like it would be right to be his lover. Suddenly, not liking the idea of having a lover because I would be his... chained to him, I pushed him away.

"What the hell are you doing?" I seethed. He seemed taken aback by my actions as well as me at how harsh I had just been. I couldn't take it back though, because I didn't want to be chained down... like a caged animal. I wanted freedom. I was unable to love; I couldn't give up my freedom for it. I looked at him, wondering how life would be if I allowed myself to be chained to him. The real reason wasn't really that I didn't want it, but more of the feeling of complete fear that it gives me at allowing someone to see me vulnerable. I feared love more than anything, because most of my life, I never really had someone who could truly love me like biological parents, or a boyfriend... nothing at all.

But now, as I looked into the haunting, exhilarating stare of this beautiful guy in front of me... it makes me second guess myself. Maybe I could learn to be loved? Maybe I could become a new Annika. That was when I remembered why my so called 'lover' was here to begin with and it fueled my anger. I was infuriated that he had the audacity to come here and try to kill me after he had found out that he was just like us demons to begin with!

He seemed to take in my infuriated gaze and backed up a couple of spaces, fearing that I'll blow a gasket again. He deserved to fear me. My father seemed to notice the tension between the two of us then and I could practically feel as he began walking towards me cautiously.

"Annika..." He said slowly, as if calming a child. But I was beyond hearing, as fury began to seize hold of me. I suddenly felt a hand come down on my shoulder, but I knew that it wasn't my father, nor was it Shayne. What the...? That was when I felt a wave of nausea roll over me.

"Annika!" Was the last thing I heard before I fell into oblivion.

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