~Shayne: Chapter 10~

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For a moment, as I stared into the black fiery pits of this beauty before me, I felt fear; not only fear for myself but fear for her as well. I shouldn't be feeling this way. Not for someone who was supposed to be killed by my hands. She was absolutely furious with me, and as I saw the emotions flashing through her gaze, I knew that she wouldn't be able to change her mind now. The one expression that stuck in my mind's eye was the look of betrayal that had shown in her pitch black eyes. I wanted to take back everything that I had just told her, but I knew that she would attack any moment now, so I tensed for the fight that was to come.

Her father put his hand on her arm, trying to calm her down, but it didn't seem to do a thing to the fury racing through her veins. That was when I watched in amazement as she began to levitate, rising into the sky. She looked like an avenging angel; absolutely beautiful. I tried focusing on the task, not wanting to die for not paying attention.

"Annika!" The man yelled at her, demanding for her attention. She whipped her head towards him, a growl slipping between her luscious lips, baring her teeth at him. "Calm. Down." He enunciated slowly, looking her straight in the eye with authority. She seemed to give him a look before she turned her dark gaze back towards me. I knew then, that I would have to do something before she used her powers on me. I would have to risk using my abilities because I now knew, as I felt her power surging in the air, that I wouldn't be able to defeat her while fighting the regular way.

At that thought, I released a fireball, regretting it as soon as it hit her, but knowing that she would be better than I would if she hit me with something. I saw the fire singe her, and saw as she bit her lip in pain. But in utter astonishment, I also saw as she began to heal. I had never met a demon able to heal as quickly as she was right now. As I stared at her in astonishment, she looked up at me, after her shock had vanished, and smirked. I returned her smirk with an incredulous look. Shit, now I was in for it. I cursed myself silently in my head. That was when she charged towards me, as I was consumed in my thoughts.

I froze up immediately as the breath was knocked from my lungs as she tackled me onto the ground, wrapping her slender fingers around my neck. Suddenly, as the air returned, since she wasn't really choking me, I felt a surge of heat began to circulate around my neck. A hiss of pain left my lips as it began to sting and burn. Shit, I was really going to die now wasn't I?!

And suddenly, I couldn't feel the burning sensation anymore; it had completely vanished. Opening the eyes that I hadn't noticed were shut, I looked and saw that a force had shoved her off of me. What the...? That was when I noticed that power had begun surging through me. Her gaze was turned towards her father in confusion, but when she realized it wasn't him, her gaze slipped back towards mine. I was holding my neck, trying to lessen the tingly feeling still there. She looked at me, studying me for some reason. As she watched me intently, she stood up from the ground, where I had unconsciously shoved her, and began walking towards me. Oh no, what was she going to do?! I breathed in deeply, needing to calm myself or I would surly die. I rose from my spot as well, tensing and readying myself to be hit by another surge of energy. As she took in my tensed stance, a chuckle left her lips. Then as she made her way closer to me, I was frozen at how enchanting she looked in that very moment.

She looked absolutely gorgeous to me; like a sinister beauty. I hadn't even prepared myself for what was to come, when I felt her cold breath caress my ear.

"You're not just a regular demon are you?" She whispered, making me tense all the more at our proximity. I replied to her then, uncertain about my reply and uncertain as to whether she would attack me again. Gulping, I spoke.

"I'm... I'm not quite sure what I am. I had just figured out... never mind, it's none of your business. We need to finish this." I said, wanting to change this subject because I knew nothing of my race. Although, I felt the urge to give up this pointless fight. I was a demon, just like her. Why was I fighting her? She rolled her eyes playfully at my words, an innocent look crossing her face when she spoke.

"Oh...?" She paused for a second before continuing. "I'm bored of the fight, how about we play another game?" She seemed to become a whole new person since the time we had spent together on the plane. She seemed to become a dark seductress now, by the heated way she looked at me. My knees went weak involuntarily and I fought to remain in control of my actions. She was smirking at me with that seductive look and I don't think I can handle this much longer; I gulped unconsciously, cursing when she seemed to notice it. She took a couple steps back then, glancing towards what I could now see as her father. He seemed to be studying the both of us, an intrigued expression on his face.

Annika raised an eyebrow at him in question, but he just shrugged and I took this as my chance to get her back from tackling me earlier. At this proximity, I cursed myself from touching her, because my body seemed to radiate with my want for her; as if it were calling towards her. I was too entranced by her beauty to notice the raging look she sent my way.

But I was snapped out of my trance when I began to levitate. I knew that it was definitely not me who had done it, so I looked at Annika immediately. She was glaring at me fiercely for what I had just done.

"I tell you that I don't want to fight and the moment I turn my back on you, you tackle me!" She raged, infuriated by my actions. Accidentally, I rolled my eyes before I could stop myself. I looked away from her and she must have been angered by that as I began moving towards her. I now hovered above her. She smirked that smirk once again and I knew something was about to happen. "It's time to play pretty boy." She whispers to me before I am thrown up into the sky. Oh shit, this isn't going to end well. I thought as I felt the air rush pass me. She toyed with me like this for a little longer, and I was beginning to become exhausted from my heart beating loudly in my chest. I tried to calm myself down then, breathing in and out; trying to forget what was happening. Just as I was beginning to become just a smidge calmer, I crashed into a tree, having the air knocked out of me once more.

When I looked up from my crash, I could see an angry Annika coming towards me. It was as if she was the predator and I was her prey. This wasn't going to end well at all if I allowed this to happen. Panicking, I began rushing thoughts through my head to stop whatever was about to happen. That was when the thought hit me and a smirk spread across my face, trying to look as if I were cocky. I could play the seducer too sweetheart. She seemed to stop in her tracks as she took in my facial expression. Her mind seemed to wonder what I could possibly be thinking that would allow me to smirk in this situation.

I slowly stood from my position on the ground, and to my surprise, my wounds had already begun to heal. I was staring at them for a moment, before remembering the task at hand. I had to get on it before she finally decided she was tired of waiting and attack me again. I looked at her, but she seemed to be lost in thought. I looked towards he father and he was still studying us. I brushed off the look he was giving us and made my way over to Annika.

She still didn't seem to take notice of me when I drew near and I grinned at this. I leaned in towards her, allowing my cool breath to caress her small ears.

"Yeah Annika... let the games begin." I had lowered my voice to a rumble and allowed it to take on a husky edge. She seemed to like it, as she shivered. I licked my lips, but that was interrupted when she suddenly pushed me backwards. I still myself so that I wouldn't lose my footing and then allowed my gaze to slowly meet hers. She was a little shocked by my actions, but it wasn't entirely my fault; my body wanted this. I had no idea what was happening, but my body seemed to have a mind of its own.

As we gazed intently at each other, my thoughts were erratic and I couldn't seem to think straight; that was when we were suddenly interrupted by her father.

"I know what you are." He said, staring intently at me as I broke my gaze with the fiery beauty in front of me.

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