~Shayne: Chapter 12~

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"I know what he is Annika. Can't you tell what he is? He can heal just like you and your powers are almost equal. Even though yours are stronger than his because he is only half." I was completely shocked as to what I was hearing. He couldn't possibly think that I am... I couldn't be what he was implying, there was no way!

"Shit! This can't be true. Do not tell me that we are related in any way." Was the first thing that left my mouth, making me sound a tad bit dumb; which in turn earned a laugh from her father.

"Well of course you're not related to each other. You're supposed to be Annika's lover of course." His words confused me all the more. What the hell was he on?! Lover? He couldn't possibly be serious. There was no way that Annika and I were lovers. Yeah, I mean I like her... but to go as far to say that we are meant to be together? That was a definite no.

"Very funny, now just spit out what you think you know about him already pops. Stop talking in riddles." Annika said, seeming to think that her dad's logical was bull as well. He rolled his eyes at her as if she were a child, unable to comprehend something so obvious, before sighing in exasperation. He looked between us once more before speaking.

"Shayne is... what you would call a Dark Prince." He said. He couldn't be serious! There was no way that I was a Dark Prince and she was my Princess! "He is supposed to be your lover because you two are all that is left of your race. I had thought that a Dark Prince was myth, because Dark Princesses are what everyone knew. Dark Princes are even rarer than Dark Princesses, hun. But what I don't get is how he could only be half of a Dark Prince. Those races are usually made as wholes." Her father paused then, seeming to be pondering what he had said. I took this time to look at Annika and see how she was taking all of this.

Our eyes connected as I turned to look at her. We studied each other then, as if the other wasn't looking. She seemed to be pondering something as well, having a mental debate on a matter. I wonder what she must be thinking. She finally began to look away from my gaze, but that was when my mouth opened and spoke of its own accord.

"It can't be true, Annika. There is no way that I am a race known as the 'Dark Prince'. That would make me one powerful dude, and I just don't see it. Maybe I am just a regular demon... but more like... a demon that heals really fast? There's also no way that the both of us are lovers." She just seemed to be staring at me, or rather, staring past me. Her eyes seemed to become distant and I could tell that she hadn't listened to a single word that I had said. I was amused by this, to my surprise, and my feet began to move towards her, as if drawn by a force unknown to me. I surprised myself even more when I got in her personal space and allowed my cool breath to hit the crook of her neck. I was content when she shivered in response. Seeming to snap out of it though, she pushed me away. I was too far away, seeming to be in a trance until she pushed me, catching me completely off guard.

"What the hell are you doing?" She yelled, seeming to be enraged by my actions. Her eyes are what caught my attention though. They seemed to be as cold as ice now, seeming to be completely closed off from me than they were before. It astonished me because throughout this whole time that I'd been here, she hadn't once stared at me with as much hatred as she did in this moment.

Her eyes began to flare, seeming to tell me that she was unstable and it was unsafe to stay so close to her at this moment. What the hell had set her off?! I didn't really want to fight her to be honest, but how was I supposed to go home without the job being done? I couldn't just leave her and return back empty-handed. That was when I noticed that someone was walking towards us then. I looked up to see Annika's father. I watched as he took in his daughter and tried to comfort her.

"Annika..." He said, trying to keep a calming tone. She ignored his calming tone though, for she was too far gone to notice him there. Her gaze was solely locked with mine and I was so captivated by her raging eyes that I hadn't noticed the other presence slowly drawing closer each raging breath this other worldly beauty took. So I was completely caught by surprise when a hand suddenly fell on her shoulder and it belonged to neither me nor her father.

"Annika!" I yelled suddenly, unable to stop the outburst. I ran forward, unable to stop the pounding of my heart as it pumped painfully against my chest. I watched as her eyes slowly fell shut and the guy began to take off before her father or I could reach him. A portal was suddenly there and it swallowed the two of them in to its depths. I began panicking in that very moment, my heart crying out for her. I knew in that moment that there was no doubt about it; this girl must be my lover, for I have never cared this much about someone else's life in my entire existence.

That was when I felt wind begin rustling my clothing and I tore myself into the air, landing into the swirling vortex before it sealed itself shut.

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