Chapter 4- Hello Again

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Chapter 4: Hello again
Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Power Rangers

Chapter 4 is up! Yahoo! Enjoy!


Hello again

It was dark in the room. Wes awoke and looked around. Almost immediately his thoughts then came to the events a few hours ago.

Captain Logan walking into his office, then into a conference room. The conversation came to him clearly.

"Which brings me to why I am here, Wes. You see you're the only active ranger that has a past with Time Force." He looked at Logan, then to Eric.

"But what about Eric? He has the Quantum morpher, isn't that Time Force property?" Wes asked.

"Under normal circumstances, yes, but he has his duty with the Silver Guardians, besides, if we took him to the year 3002 too, there would be no one to run the Silver Guardians here."

This time it was Mr. Collins who spoke up. "Wait, what do you mean there'd be no one to run the Silver Guardians?"

Logan sighed. 'No harm in telling them, I guess.' "As time progresses, the Silver Guardians will eventually become what I know as Time Force. Eric has a lot of influence on that."

"And why is that?" Eric was suspicious.

Logan paused. "Because Wes wasn't here to contribute to it."

"WHAT?" Wes, Eric and Mr. Collins said in unison.

"That is why I'm here, Wes. I'm asking you if you'd be willing to go to the year 3002 and act as the Red Ranger, and put that morpher into good use."

He looked around the room, but it was too dark to see. A clock on his side table read 3:13am.

Wes sat up. 'It was all a dream. None of it was real.' He sighed. 'I don't have a chance with Jen at all.' Just then a knock at his bedroom door. 'Probably Philips coming in to check up on me.'

"Come in, Philips." Wes said sadly.

"Who's Philips?" a male voice asked.

To Wes's astonishment, it was Captain Logan.

'It wasn't a dream at all. This is reality.' Wes couldn't help but smile.

"Just came to check up on you. We came out of the portal and you blacked out. I had some officers come and take you to your quarters." Logan said.

"Oh." Wes got up and went to the window. He was astonished at what he saw. High buildings with cars flying all around. Looking along the streets he saw cars. A few of them had Time Force on the side of it.

"Well Wes, you should get some sleep. You've got a big day tomorrow." With that Logan walked out. Wes soon heard a door close. He, however, was too excited to sleep.

The thrill of being here was all too crazy. He got up and went looking around his room. There was a dresser and a closet. Another door led to his bathroom. He walked out into a small hallway and opened up yet another door. A linen closet was stocked with towels and other stuff. Walking down the hallway led him to a room with a couch on the wall and a table in the center. On the wall was a plasma screen and a stereo around it. Next to the couch he noticed a lamp on a small table.

Looking at his left he saw a small table, big enough for four people. In the corner was a computer, which looked like a computer from his time. Or his past, now. He noticed a wall with a small window and a doorway that he found lead into the kitchen. He saw it had a sink, microwave and a small oven. The refrigerator was a small one. Come to think of it, the kitchen was small. Coming out of the open wall, he noticed something on the table. There was a note.

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