Chapter 3- Preparation

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Chapter 3: Preparation
Disclaimer: I do now own Power Rangers

A/N: Everyone knows how in Time Force Traitor, Jen told Wes the future didn't have junk food...but in my story they do!

Enjoy ch 3!



'What a day! If I have to see just one more batch of paperwork, I'm going to loose my mind!' Jen stated. She was trying to fight off a terrible headache that was slowly getting worse. After a long day of training at the Time Force Academy and getting paperwork done, she was ready to go home and relax.

"Lieutenant Scotts!" a young officer walked into her office, then sharply saluted.

"Officer Dunkin, at ease. What can I do for you?" she asked.

"Ensign Lombardis has requested that you signature go on this for approval. " he handed her the sealed envelope.

'Oh joy, more paperwork' Jen thought. " When does she need it back by?"

"As soon as possible, Lieutenant." the young officer responded.

"Very well. Tell Ensign Lombardis that I will drop it off at her apartment later tonight. Dismissed!"

"Yes, ma'am!" The officer saluted and exited.

"Let's see what Alli's up to," Jen said out loud. She took the papers out and read it. With her head pounding she just skimmed it and signed it. "I'm out of here." She said. Jen got up, grabbed her jacket, turned out the lights in her office and went home.

Time Force dwellings, Floor 20

'Wonder what Alli wants with this paperwork anyway' Her thoughts returned to the strange packet of papers that Alli wanted her to sign, and fast. She finally came to her room and knocked.
"Come on in, Jen!" a male voice called out.

Jen opened the door and entered. What she found was music on, and a scent of pizza in the air. Inside were Alli Jackson and her boyfriend Kyle Anders sitting side-by-side on the couch snuggled close together. On the chair next to the couch was Davis Avery with his girlfriend Jamie Lombardis on his lap. Everyone was dressed in regular clothes and relaxing and in serious discussion about something.

'Let's make this as simple as possible.' Jen wanted to get out of there as quick as possible.

"I got those papers you wanted me to sign Alli, everything's done." Alli jumped out of her seat.

"Great! Thanks a lot Jen, I've been waiting on these for a while now!" Alli seemed excited about something. Jen noticed all the others smiling as well.

"Alli, if you don't mind me asking, but what are you so happy about?" As quickly as the others smiled, they turned worried. Alli had a lie ready.

"You know those new light bars I've wanted for my car? The LED ones with the wig-wags and all..." Jen nodded. "Well, Captain Logan finally gave me the approval for them! He said all I needed was your signature." 'I hoped that worked' she thought.

Jen didn't think twice. She had known Alli wanted new light bars for her car and guessed she had finally bugged Logan long enough where he said ok.

"Well, I'm going to get a move on, see you guys tomorrow." And she left.

Time Force apartments: Floor 22, room 18: Jen's apartment
'Home sweet home' Jen thought as she turned the key and walked into her apartment. She looked around it. It was a nice apartment, with the usual accommodations for senior officers. To her left was the kitchen with a peninsula that she used as a breakfast nook, with a wall that separated the living room and the kitchen with a doorway and a window. Her living room consisted of a couch and love seat, with a table in the middle and two lamps on two smaller tables. The plasma screen was on the wall and her stereo and speakers around it. On her right was a little table with four chairs around it and a bowl of fruit in the center. Her computer was also in the corner. She walked down a short hallway and turned right into her bathroom. 'A long hot shower will do just fine' she decided.

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