Chapter 9- Time Moves On:Mistletoe and Mutants P.3

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Chapter 9: Time Moves On: Mistletoe and Mutants, part 3
Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Power Rangers. 9 all ready? Yes, this one is short..all building up to something big...



Time Moves On: Mistletoe and Mutants, part 3

December 20, 9:30PM: Jen's house

Wes was sitting in Jen's living room searching through catalogue after catalogue, trying to figure out what to get Jen for Christmas.

"Ahh. I never knew the holidays could be so frustrating." He threw down what seemed to be the tenth catalogue. He simply couldn't figure out what to get Jen for Christmas.

"And why is that?" a voice said. He looked up to see Alan, Jen's older brother walk into the living room.

"Oh, hi, Alan. I didn't hear you come in." Wes said. It dawned on him. "Hey. You're Jen's brother. Maybe you can help me figure out what to get her for Christmas. I really can't think of anything to get her, not to mention something she'd like."

Alan sat down beside him. "I think anything you get Jen she'll love." He said.

"Yea, I know. But I want it to be special. Nothing too big or too small, just...right." He sighed. Then Alan noticed something by Wes's foot. It was in a black velvet box.

"Say, what you got there, Wes?" Alan picked up the box.

"Ahh..." but Wes couldn't answer. Alan opened it. Inside the box housed a small gold ring with a diamond around the center of it.

"Oh." He eyed Wes and smiled. "Getting ready to pop the big one, huh, Wes." Alan smiled.

"My dad gave that to me. For when the time is right." Wes smiled.

"You really love her, don't you, Wes." Alan said quietly.

"Yea. Don't tell Jen this, but if I didn't have a chance with her, I wouldn't have come. I'd given Rob my morpher. But I love her too much to see her unhappy." Wes smiled.

"Well..." Alan closed the box containing the ring. "She's my baby sister. You do anything to hurt her ...and I'll kill your ass from here to next Christmas." They both laughed. Just then the door opened.

"Alan, sweetie, come here and help me with these bags!" Angela called.

"You too, Wes. I heard you in there!" Jen called out. Both men looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

"Looks like she's got you wrapped around her finger, huh?" Alan said.

"Yep. I'd say no, but then she'd make me do laps." Wes smiled.

"NOW COLLINS!" Jen yelled.

"All right, all right! I'm coming! Relax!" Wes walked out to the door and grabbed some bags from Jen.

"You'd think that after doing laps he'd learn to come when he's called." Jen smirked.

"Nice to see you, too." Wes teased. He gave her a quick kiss hello.

Wes, Angela, Jen and Alan brought bags into the kitchen.

"I'll let you off this once because it's Christmas. When we get back to Time Force HQ, you won't get off so easily." Jen smiled. "Girlfriend or not, I'm still your commanding officer." Jen said.

"That's not what you said last night." He said smoothly. Jen gave Wes her famous death glare.

"Men." Jen walked up the stairs with her bags in hand.

"Oh, that was great. To see Jen beat at her own game." Alan laughed.

"You think that was great, ask her about the time she tried target practice with a toy gun and cardboard targets." Wes said. Jen came down the stairs and yelled at him.

"SHUT UP WES!" Jen yelled.

"Jen the all mighty pink ranger and Lieutenant couldn't hit even one without my help!" Wes said. Jen chased him around the living room table.

"Oh, wait until I get my hands on you, Wes!" Jen half laughed half yelled. Wes ran toward the door and dashed out into the snow, with Jen hot on his tail.

"Come and get me, Lieutenant!" He said mockingly. Jen ran toward him and tackled him into the snow, pinning him down.

"Maybe this'll teach you." Jen laughed and smothered his face in snow.

"Hey, Jen!" He tried to say. "That's" cough "COLD!" Jen laughed and got off of him.

"Or you can do laps." Jen smirked. She offered her hand to him.

The walked hand-in-hand into Jen's house and closed the door behind him.

The next evening
Jen, Wes and her family sat down to a nice dinner when...

"Attention all units! Attention all units! This is an emergency. Galden and his gang have been sighted breaking info Willard's weapons shop. I repeat, this is an emergency!" Captain Logan's voice came over the scanner in the kitchen.

"Shit!" Jen yelled and ran upstairs. Wes cursed silently. He wouldn't be back on active duty for another week. She was up and down the stairs in less then two minutes, dressed in full uniform.

"Sorry, mom. Duty calls." Jen said.

Angela looked at Jen. "Be careful, honey."

Jen only nodded. Wes watched her scramble to the door. "Jen..." he said silently. He jumped out of his chair. "WAIT!" Jen turned around to see Wes running toward her. "Be careful, Jen. Please." Wes held her.

"I promise I will." She said in a small voice. She gave him a reassuring kiss and went out.

Wes watched with hurtful eyes as Jen started up her car, backed out of the driveway and sped off. "Be careful, Jen."

"She'll be fine, Wes. Don't worry." Jack came up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"That's what I worry about. Not being there to watch over her, and make sure she's fine." Wes sighed. "It'll all change when I get the morpher back." He walked inside and sat down on the couch, trying to get relax. He glanced at the clock. 9:30PM.

'Jen...' He thought. Wes lay down on the couch and put his head down and drifted into sleep.

The street was littered with rubble and debris. A mutant was laughing, it was Galden, and a white uniformed figure was at his mercy. It was Jen.

"Well, Lieutenant, I must say. You put up a good fight." He smirked.

"You won't get away with this!" Jen declared. She raised her wrist. "TIME FOR TIME FO—" she was hit with a blast from the cannon.

"JEN!" Wes called out. She fell to the ground, paralyzed with fear as Galden stood near her, cannon powering up.

She looked at him. "WES! What are you doing?"

He tried to run toward her but his feet were lead.

"Good-bye, Lieutenant Scotts." Galden raised the cannon and fired.

"NOO!" Wes yelled.

Then there was an explosion.

"JEN!" Wes yelled and bolted up, nearly falling off of the couch. His breathing was heavy and he was drenched in a cold sweat. He looked at the clock. 11:45PM.
"Wes?" asked a quiet voice. He turned around to see Jen walk in and put her keys on the counter. "Wes, is everything ok?"

He jumped up and held her close, afraid to let go. "You're back. Safe and sound." He let out a relieved breath.

Now Jen was scared. "Wes, what's wrong?" Jen asked sternly.

"I.." He couldn't finish. He looked at her, tears in his eyes.

"Wes...what happened?" She said.

Wes was shaking. "I had another dream."

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