Chapter 5- The Academy and The Reunion

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Chapter 5: The Academy and The Reunion
Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Power

Within the next few chapters, we're going to see how Jen and Wes's relationship blossoms... and Wes's time on the future progresses..

Yes, for everyone's wonder on how Jen will react, here it is! It gets better within the next few chapters, I promise!

This chapter was hard for me to write. Bare with me if its kind of bad! It'll only get better!

Enjoy ch 5!


The Academy and The Reunion

"Wes?" Jen got up and ran to the exit, looking up and down the hallway.

Wes was standing behind the corner, too paranoid to move. 'Why am I so scared that she'll know I'm here?' Then her footsteps became louder as she walked down towards where he was standing. Jen was a foot away from the corner when...

"Jen!" Jen turned around to see the Ensigns running toward her. "Jen, is everything all right?" Davis asked.

"Yea, you ran out of there like something was wrong." Kyle stated.

Jen was silent, and this worried her friends greatly.

"JEN!" Jamie yelled, which brought Jen back to earth.

'Wha-oh sorry...yes, everything's," she paused. "fine. Just fine."

"Okay, well we're going to go back and finish lunch. Come on." Alli said. Jen didn't move, but was focused on that corner. The corner where Wes stood.

"COME ON!" all four of them yelled.

"All right, all right I'm coming! I'm coming!" Jen took one last look and went back to the cafeteria.

Wes didn't move a muscle until he heard a voice.

"Wes, you can breathe now."

He realized that he indeed needed to breathe. He let out a relieved breath. Logan was standing there, looking at him. He had to do something to get Jen off of his mind.

"Wes, there's one more room I want you to see."

He led Wes to an elevator. Logan called out "Level 27: Command"

The elevator went up. Wes heard a ding. The door opened to reveal a large room. Computers were all over the place with officers stationed at each one.

"Wow. So this is the brain of Time Force." Wes said.

He heard someone call out. "Officer on deck!" With a fast motion every officer stood at attention and saluted sharply. "At ease, Officer Ricardo." Everyone got back to work.

"Yes, Wes. This is the "brain" of Time Force. These computers monitor the time stream making sure no one from our time leaves without authorization. It monitors anything from a minute that was gone back to a minute ahead of time. It's very sensitive. We don't want another incident like what happened with Ransik."

"I guess not." Wes was amazed by his surroundings. All of the computers and the officers busy. Then in the middle of the room he saw a pad, much like the computer that Jen used. Except this one was much nicer.

"The grids set up around you help us to monitor the whole city." He pointed up some stairs. "Up those steps are where we monitor the entire world. We've one of the most hi-tech facilities in the United States today."

Wes was flabbergasted to see this. "It's hard to believe this all started with a business venture from my dad." Wes smiled.

"Well, you've got a big day tomorrow, Wes. Better get some sleep." Logan said. Tomorrow Wes was starting at the Academy, for the last two months of training.

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