CHAPTER TWO~~~ Secrecy?

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We finally made it to where the band was staying. It was a cute little penthouse up in some area of mountains.

When we pulled up to the garage, I looked behind me and saw that Krysta fell asleep in Kellins embrace. Kellin was stroking her hair and smiling at her slow breaths. I giggle a little bit and shook her.

"Krys. We're here." I said shaking her lightly.

She didn't budge. I was getting frustrated. Kellin saw this and bent down to kiss her ear. In the process he whispered

"We're here beautiful, open those pretty eyes for me?"

Krysta instantly, but yet so smoothly opened her eyes and smiled. I can't believe that. I was holding back the laughter trying to escape my lips. As I was turning back around I saw Jesse holding the door for me. I smiled and made my way out of the van.H e smiled back at me. Then he frowned.

"Whats the matter?" I asked him sincerely. He was fine just a few seconds ago then, he had a distant look in his eyes. 

"Jesse? Hello?" I asked waving my hand in his face. "Whats the matter?"

He snapped out of it and looked at me. 

"Theres something I need to tell you... And its important.. Follow me." He turned and started walking the other direction. I followed him like her told me to do. I wonder what was going on in his mind. He was acting okay before we pulled up to the penthouse. Did I maybe piss him off? I dont know. I looked behind me and saw Krysta looking at me. She mouthed 'Where are you going?' I shrugged and she nodded. She turned her attention back to o Kellin. They were so cute. 

Jesse stopped at a little bench and sat down. I sat down next to him. He was looking down at his feet. Something was really bothering him.. And Im going to figure out what it is..

"Jesse.. Whats going on?" I asked "You were fine earlier today, then when we pulled up here, you just kinda got all, sad."

He looked up at me. I could tell what ever it is hes going to say to me.. It isn't going to be all the peachy.

"I.." He started breaking eye contact with me. "I.. Have a girlfriend..But I want to be with you... But I cant hurt her." He said putting his face in his hands. "I think shes cheating on me though.. Shes been distant, she hasnt really been talking to me all that much... and when I barely glance over her shoulder at her phone she flips out.. Like I just watched her step out of the shower." 

I was speechless... I didnt know what to say about this. Ive never really had a boyfriend well, one that treated me right.. And truth be told, after my last boyfriend. I didnt really trust any guy after that.. But Jesse was different.. He actually seemed liked he cared for me. Like he cared about me.. And when he told me he had a girlfriend.. My heart literally dropped to my ass..

"Whats her name?" I barley made it out a whisper

"Ashley.." He trailed off. 

All of the sudden a thin little blond girl came walking over to us.

"Hi babe," She said all perky, "Whos your friend?" Thats when all the amusement had washed out of her. She became cold looking. Like she had hated me for years.

"this is my friend Meagan. Meagan, this is Ashley.." He said standing up.

"Hi, Im Meagan." I said as nicely as possible. I swear this girl is going to get on my nerves.

"I know, he just said that." She snapped

"Hey now no need to bitch at me Im just trying to be nice." I said chuckling

She became annoyed and walked away. I started to curse under my breath. I said just about every word that described her. But the one that stuck out the most... Was stuck in my head.


I turned to look at Jesse. He was astonished.

"What?" I asked a little irritated.

"No one has talked to Ashley that way before." He said walking closer to me.

"Well someone needs to show that little cu..." Before I could finish my sentence Jesse came up and kissed me. His lips fit perfectly with mine. I started to kiss him back. Are lips were in unison. We broke the kiss and I looked at him.

"What are we? Like, relationship wise." I ask

He sighed," We are going to have to keep us a secret.. I dont want people to know about us for a while.. Till I sort things out with Ashley.. Till then, we're going to keep it on the down low.."

I sat there and nodded. 

Why is it so hard to care for someone, but yet they have someone else to deal with? I cant even answer that question myself..

We started to walk back to the pent house. Once we walked inside I saw Kellin talking to Jack with Krysta next to him. His hand was on her waist, and her hand was on his waist. They were all talking. I saw Justin playing on the computer. Jesse sat down on the couch and I sat across from him. It was kinda awkward at this point because little miss Queen of the Cunts had walking into the room and sat next to him.

She snuggled into his chest and stared messing with her phone. I saw Jesse barley even look at the screen. Ashley grew wide eyed.

"What the hell do you think your doing?" She asks sitting up.

Jesse looked at her,"I was just seeing what you were doing, sheesh its not that big of a deal."

That's when everyone's attention shifted to Jesse and Ashley.

"It is a big deal!" She screeched "Its my personal business! You have no right to snoop!"

The I decided it was my turn to step in. "Actually, he does have the right. Hes your boyfriend, if hes a little curious about what his girlfriend is doing on her phone he should have the right to know. SO don't go all fucking diva because he actually cares for you." 

Everyone looked at me. I feel like I just started something with the Queen on f the Cunts.

"Who the fuck are you anyway? Why are you even here?" She asked with a preppy voice.

"I'm someone who clearly could care less about what you have to say. And I here because Jesse INVITED us here. So don't start doing the whole fucking question survey."

She stood up and walked towards me. I stood up and waited to see what she would do. I was barely taller than her. But I thought it was kinda cute how she still had to look up at me just to tell me off.

"Why don't you go fucking slit your wrist." She says

Of shit she did not just fucking say that. I heard Krysta gasp in the background and everyone else stood silent and still. I looked at her. My eyes piercing into hers. 

"Well looks like the cunt has the nerve to actually say some complete bullshit now doesn't she?"

That's when she tried to punch me. I dodgedit and put her arm behind her back and pinned her to the wall. She let out a shriek in pain. If I pushed just a little bit hard I could break her arm. But I let go and punched her nose. I heard a crack. The there was blood streaming down her face. She held her nose and ran out of the penthouse. Everyone was silently staring and me. I got  overwhelmed and ran out of the pent house. With Krysta following me shortly behind. I ran to the bench where me and Jesse sat when I first met the little shit. I sat down on the bench and hugged my legs. Krysta came up next to me and rubbed my back. I started to cry.



Sorta left it on a cliff hanger

Not much of one

But sorta

My step mom walked in so I had to hurry.

Well I have to go.. She wants to talk.


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