Chapter 17~Get well

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*Jesse's POV*

What the hell happened? I think as I run a hand through my hair. Im sitting in the waiting room inside of the hospital waiting for the doctors to come on out and tell me what was wrong with Meagan. Oh how I wish they would come out; I don't know how much longer I can take without looking into her beautiful eyes.

I sit up from my chair and stretch; I hear my bones crack and I smile in satisfaction. Then my lips curve into a frown. I should have been with her upstairs. I think to myself. If I were there, I could have helped her... Saved her. I walk over to the coffee machine and grab a cup, filling it up with the warm liquid that will help me stay awake. I sigh and return to my seat.

As I get ready to sit on the grass green fabric chair, the doctor comes out with the clip board, containing multiple sheets of paper. I look up at him and he gave me a little reassuring smile,"Are you Mr.Lawson?" he asked, holding out his hand. I gingerly take his hand and look into his eyes,"Is Meagan okay?" he puts his hand in my shoulder and squeezes it lightly, and nods.

He gestures me to follow him and i do. He takes me down a long white hallway. We reach the room Meagan was resting in. The doctor turns me towards him,"All that happened was she got a little to dehydrated. She's getting the fluids she needs into her body right now. You can take her home in a few hours."

I let out a a held breathI didn't even realize i was holding. The sudden lump in my throat dissapeard. "Can I go in?" I ask nervously. He nods and gestures me into her room.

Once I step in I see her. She looks so fragile, and pale; like if I hug her to tight she will crumble. She looks over at me and gives me a weak smile. I walk over to her slowly, trying not to make to much noise as I drag my feet across the white tile floor. I make it to her bed and leans down, planting a light kiss on her forehead. She smiled and said softly,"I love you." then her smile drops. I look at her with concern on my face. She turns to me and furrows her brow,"What happened exactly?" I sighed and told her what happened. She stares off into space and nods. "Meagan, I have to go rehearse with the band, I'll check on you as much as possible. I love you very much, baby girl." I lean down and peck her lips. She kisses back and blushes," I love you too, be safe." And with that I walked out of her room.


Authors note: Howdy hey guys. i know this chapter has been off and on; I apologize for that. Im going through a very rough time and I don't really have anyone to talk to.. Im scared to talk to this one person though.. I love her dearly. I feel like I annoy her. Since she moved I felt like I have been a bother.

Anyways... I will try to update more frequently. I get out of school this Thursday!! And that means......MORE UPDATES!!!!

You're welcome.

Think for everyone who is reading!! You make writing worth it.

Also, sorry if this is a slow book. It will get better!! I promise.



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