CHAPTER 8~~I dont believe you

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*Jesses POV*

I sat in the hospital, waiting for Meagan to come to. Its been a few days since saw her beautiful eyes. Shes been asleep. I really miss talking to her... The doctor came in the room with his little clip-board. He glanced at me with sorrow in his eyes.

''I have some..Bad news.'' He said walking over to the side of her bed.

I stood up and walked across from where he's standing. I looked down at Meagan. She had so many stitches running up and down her arms. I cant believe she did that after we..You know...

''Whats the bad news?'' I said not even bothering to look up at him.

''You realize she lost a lot of blood. Symptoms of having too much blood loss include anemia, dizziness, difficulty breathing, pale skin, clammy skin, and bruising. But depending on how much Meagan has lost, it could result in having more than one of those symptoms.''

I was starstruck..I didnt know what to say.. I mean I knew she had lost a lot of blood. But I didnt think it would result to her having so many possible side effects..

Right as I was about to say something, Meagans heart rate became unsteady. It was going really fast. Her body started shaking. She was haveing a seizure. The doctor called for nurses. I was panicing as one of the nurses were taking me out of the room. They shut the curtains and did what they had to do.

I fell asleep in the waiting room. They wouldnt let me inside Meagans room, its been a few hours.I was barely waking up when Kellin came up to me and sat down. He looked tired and worried. 

''Hows Krys?'' I asked sitting up. He looked at me sadly.

''Shes doing better...They said she might have a slight concusion.. but she'll be okay.. Shes gonna need braces for a fact..But that doesnt change her beauty... Hows Meagan?''

I started to get a little uneasy,''She had a stroke and I havent seen her since.. and that was hours ago...''

Kellin looked at me,''Why would she do this...?'' 

''Because,'' I started off slow,''We...did stuff.. and I guess she felt like shit afterwards... I feel like this is all my fault..'' 

Kellin put his hand on my back and tried to comfort me. I felt tears threatening to escape. I normally wouldnt cry like this but in this kind of situation..its okay to cry.. The doctor came out looking worried. I shot right out of my seat to meet him half way across the room.

''How is she? Is she okay?'' I started asking him.

He looked at me,''Meagans in a coma Jesse... Theres no telling when she'll be out.'' 

My heart stopped. I was speechless..

Please, I thought, please let her wake up soon..

''Can I go see her?'' I asked repeating those words in my head.

The doctor nodded and led me to her room. Kellin followed shortly after. 

We walked in the room to find Meagan laying straight on her back breathing softly. She was hooked up to an IV. She looked peaceful. But way to peaceful for me to handle..

I walk over to her bed and sat down. I reached for her hand and laced our fingers together. 

I hope shes going to be okay.


There was chapter 8 for you guysss

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I wanna thank Krysta for writing the 7th chapter for me. 

Ive been busier than Ive actually been in a long time.

But you know the drill



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