•Winwin pt 2•

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I waited at the rooftop since that's what the letter told me to do. No one was coming and I was waiting for ten minutes. Maybe all of this was a joke.

"Sorry for being late."

I turned around and saw Winwin with a bag. "It's okay." I said.

He nodded awkwardly. Then he gave me the bag. "He told me to give it to you. It's a dress. He didn't know what your favourite colour was so he asked your friend."

"I'm guessing you know who he is." I said. Winwin nodded.

"Do you think you know who he is?" Winwin asked. I shook my head. It went quiet again.

"I'll be going now." I said. He nodded.

"I'll see you at the dance hopefully." He said.


I arrived at the school with my friend and her boyfriend. I was nervous to see who he was.

"Hey let it loose." My friend said. "I know you won't be disappointed." She then walked off with her boyfriend leaving me all alone. She knew it all along!?

I pouted and started to walk to the school.

The gym was pretty full but it was still easy to walk around. It was when my eyes adapted to dark I realized everyone was wearing masks. I was confused. Everyone was going to think I was a loser for not wearing a mask but I was wrong.

As I walked deeper and deeper into the crowd people kept saying hello and saying I looked nice in my dress. Again that never happens.

"Oh y/n there you are. I've been looking all over for you." Johnny said.

"Since when was this a masquerade dance?" I asked.

"Since he decided to man up and confess to you. It took him a whole month to find the courage. You should go find him."He replied

"How? There are hundreds of people in here." I ask.

Johnny smiled at me. "Remember. Look for the black mask." He said before walking off to who knows where.

"It's okay y/n you got this." I said to myself. I started off at the entrance and made my way though the crowd looking for someone wearing a black mask. Everything was going well until the DJ decided it was the perfect time to play a slow dance.

Everyone started moving around and it made me start from square one. Where on Earth is this guy? I decided to look for Johnny and his friends since they might be with him. I saw them at the table at the far corner.

I took a deep breath and started walking to wards the table. As I got closer I saw him. He was standing against the wall not far from the table.

I smiled and walked towards him thankful that he didn't notice me yet. The closer I got to him the more confident I felt.

I stood in front of him. He lifted his head. He wore a black full face mask. When his gaze fell on my my confidence blew away. I suddenly was extremely shy.

He held out his hand and bowed. I gladly took it and he lead me to the dance floor.

"Why aren't you speaking?" I asked. He made some gestures with his hands.

"Um I'm guessing your saying that if you speak you'll give yourself away?" I said. He nodded.

It was nearing the climax of the song. He pulled me closer to him. I rested my head on his shoulder while his hands fully wrapped around my waist instead of resting on my hips.

The song ended and he pulled me out of the gym and up to the rooftop.

"We aren't allowed to roam the halls." I said. He just held a finger over his lips. I nodded and followed him all the way up to the top of the building.

I walked to the railings and looked down. It reminded me of a while ago when I met up with Winwin.

The guy walked up beside me and looked at the view as well. It was quiet. The only sound heard was the wind blowing and the faint music from the gym.

The guy turned me to face him. He pointed to his mask.

"I can take off your mask now?" I asked. He nodded.

Slowly I lifted the mask off and gasped. I dropped it on the ground and took a step back.

"It's it's you." I whispered. He took a step towards me and held my hands.

"Yeah it's me." Winwin said. He laughed nervously. "Now that I'm here I don't know what to say or how to say this."

I stayed quiet to let him continue. He took a deep breath.

"I really like you. Maybe even love you. When I first came to this school you always seemed to help me. You were so kind and willing to put up with my bad Korean. I didn't know if you liked me or not. I wanted to confess to you for a long time now and I finally had the courage to. So here I am." He said it so quickly that I almost didn't catch it.

"I thought it wasn't going to be you. I mean when you were talking about 'him' it made me sad." I said. He smiled at me then pulled me into a hug.

"I am who you think I'm not." His muffled voice said. He held me close and never let me go. I smiled in the hug.

After a long time i pulled away from him and looked him in the eye.

"I like you too Winwin." I confessed.

His hands moved from my hands to my cheeks.

"Can I?" He whispered. His eyes exchanged between my eyes and my lips.

I nodded in response. Winwin did not hesitate on capturing my lips with his.
We pulled away and I instantly buried my head into his chest, completely embarrassed.

"Hey look at me." He chuckled.

I shook my head in his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist but that made me even more red. "I'm so embarrassed!" I squealed.

He wrapped his arm around me and we started walking downstairs.

"Get used to it baobei. Or not because I like seeing you all cute an embarrassed." He said giving me a peck on the cheek.


Are my imagines too long?

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