Chapter 4

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Eincole was gone the next day when you woke up.

You were devastated. How could she leave you and your father?

You then realized that she was the same. She was the same as your no-good whore of a mother, who probably got killed by one of the men in the village. Or your bastard of a father that left you guys in the first place. It was all his fault. If he hadn't left you and your mom, she wouldn't have been a whore and died! It was all of his fault. Your mother was a no good, whor-

You couldn't believe yourself right now. How could you talk about your mother this way, after all she sacrificed for you? She dealt with her perverted boss just so you could have an education, and grow to become a great person. Now here you where, cursing the very person that loved you the most. So what he left you and your mom? He left you with a beautiful, amazing woman that loved and cherished you like no other. She died for so that you could live and grow. You were gonna fulfill that promise. Nothing was going to stand in your way.

You were going to live.

Even if a dragon stood in your way.

Acnologia yawned and got up.

"Good morning, (y/n). Where's your mother?" He said.





"She is...Eincole is gone." You said.

"Stop lying."

"I'm not." You said, tears streaming down your face.

Acnologia looked all around, searching for his mate, his beloved. How could she disappear? Unbeknownst to you at the time, Acnologia was a king dragon who was very protective of his mate. Obsessive, even. It extremely unhealthy, to the point where staying three months away from her would lead to an psychotic episode of fury, destroying whatever he thought was responsible under his twisted point of view. Eventually, he would set out to destroy everything, especially dragons.

You noticed his sanity slipping over time, his behavior normal at first. Training would go as usual, rigorously. Occasionally, he would have hallucinations, mistaking you for Eincole, he'd try to touch you, and say weird stuff to you, things that a more or less innocent seven year old wouldn't understand. He'd also get extremely angry with you whenever you would ask where Eincole went. Yelling at you, insulting you, even beating you at points. Then he would apologize, saying that it was hard raising a child alone. It made you respect and miss your mother more, now understanding what she had to go through.

Overtime, the hallucinations and displays of anger came more often and more intense, especially the anger.

The day he completely lost it was a day you would never forget.

You had ran from death once more, this time your own. Acnologia, in a few months had completely lost his mind, saying that you were the cause of Eincole's disappearance.


"No daddy, your wrong..." Your voice was timid, and cracked with every word as tears ran down your eyes.

"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL ME YOUR DAD! I ONLY PUT UP WITH YOU BECAUSE OF EINCOLE! YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN KILLED THAT DAY, YOU WORTHLESS PIECE OF TRASH!" You took several hits as he tried to kill you, he roared at you, swatted at you, punched you, beat you with his tail. There was blood running down your face. You stood there, ready to die.

Until a memory returned to you.

"Run," your mother said, "run far away from here and never return, find the place where you belong."

"You cannot die," You looked up. "You must live, for your mother. I don't think she would want to see her child moping around, wouldn't she? She'd want to see you living, traveling, meeting new people, and seeing things."

Willpower returned to you. You were going to live. For your mother, and for Eincole, wherever she may be. You got up and fought Ancologia with all your might. You managed to knock him out.

You had managed to get up and run as fast as you could, your little legs carrying you out of the beach and into the nearby forest. You came into a clearing, where you collapsed due to your wounds and exhaustion.

I'm sorry it's so short. Expect longer dicks chapters soon, there's still a little bit more to tell about you. Reader-chan is so interesting, isn't she?
Until next time,

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