The Photographer: Jotaro(Part 3)xReader [NSFW]

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To the reader(s)
Just to let you all know, I'm in love with Jotaro Kujo. So of course he'll be the first I would write a one-shot
(Please Dont Mention Any Spoiler From The Manga Further In Then Part 5.)
Btw yes... This will have a LEMON

~Reader's POV~
For as long as I could remember, I've known Jotaro Kujo since grade school. We really never talked though... He's never notice me, I was known for being the quite one. But then again, he did find girl's annoying. Can't blame him for that. Whenever its going to school, during classes and walking back home. Everyday its same damn thing, same girls always surrounding him. As much as I liked him, he will never noticed me and he'll probably hate my guts just like the rest of those girls.

It morning, around 6:15. As I finished getting ready for school, their still some time for breakfast and I decided to check out my new camera just to see if it works. As I look outside seeing the bright sun from behind my window, I look next door and I see Jotaro outside his house drinking what looked like coffee. The way he was posed, I couldn't help myself and so i decided to take a picture of him.


In the picture, Jotaro looked like he was looking at me in the photo.

(Y/N): *gasp* Shit. D-Did he see me?
*sighs* I'm in trouble now...

I move away from the window, embarrassed of my actions. I go downstairs to the kitchen and have myself a quick breakfast and head out, heading for school. Trying to get their early like always but I was rushing this time to avoid Jotaro. Too bad things didn't go as planned.

Jotaro: Hey.

(Y/N): Oh, h-hi.

Jotaro: You're name is (Y/N), right?

(Y/N): Yeah, why?
Do you need something?

Jotaro: I want the photo that you took of me.

(Y/N): Oh... So you did see me.
Sure I'll give it to you. But I didn't bring my camera with me. After school we can..

Jotaro: So, we have to go straight to you're house.
Yare Yare Daze...

During and even after school I was getting a lot of mad glances from all the girls at school. I should have guess they were pissed off seeing Jotaro talk to me. I was scared, cause it looked like a few girls were following us. I was really nervous, I didn't know what would happen.

Girl: Hey! Hey! *grabs (Y/N)'s arm*

(Y/N): Ow, What's your problem?!

Girl: Who do you think you are?
Why are you and Jojo walking together? Huh? Huh?!

Jotaro: *grabs the girl, making her let go*
Because I'm tired of annoying bitches like you!
*let's her go*

(Y/N): *Thinking: Whoa...*

Then suddenly he grabs me by the wrist, which causes me to blush madly. I try not to freak out, but I'd never thought he would reach out for me in that way.

(Y/N): J-Jotaro..?

Then he didn't say a word just turned you away from them, and continued to walk with you towards your place. As you got home, you realize your parents weren't home yet. Usually your mom would be first at home, but it seems like she was gonna come home late today.

(Y/N): *sighs* Guess my parents aren't home...
Um, Just wait here and I'll go get my camera.

Jotaro: Alright.

~Nobody's POV~
As you went upstairs, you found your camera but you wanted to change out of these school uniform. You felt like you had to disinfect it as soon as possible. As you took off your skirt and you're shirt, basically half naked...
As soon as you reached for a t-shirt in your drawer you heard your door creak open

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