Chapter 14

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Chapter 14



"Your telling me that my sister and my wife along with her lackey overpowered all of you." I yelled.

I slowly circled the guards each of then scared as hell and for good reason. "I'm sorry sir we didn't want to harm them." a guard mumbled. I walked over to him and stood in front of him staring him straight in the eyes. His bottom lip begin to tremble and he looked down at the ground after two seconds.

"Their is no fucking excuse for six guards to have not been able to take out three women. If you can't handle something as simple as that, why keep you around?" I bit out.

"It won't happen again sir we will get out there and find them." another guard chimed in. I walked over to him and kicked him place my hand on his shoulder which calmed him. I then brought up my foot to the back of his leg and stomped down and he screamed in pain. His horror filled screams echoed around the room as he crumbled to the ground.

"You're right it won't happen again," I said I raised my hand in the air and a large flames engulfed them instantly.

"Clean this up." I ordered to a nearby guard as I stepped over the burnt corpses.

The few guards seemed to be a little in shock and no one moved and that pissed me off. "If you want to be next you can stand around and not do what I say." I bit out.

The guards scrambled together each grabbing a body and dragging it out the throne room.

"Yuri what the hell did you do to make my sister want to leave?" I asked. I walked over to my throne that was gold with a large Pegasus engraved into the top of it. I had it personally made it fit in with the black and gold decor I had going. The moment my father was gone I changed everything to how I liked it.

I plopped down into my double cushioned throne and grabbed the large gold goblet filled with wine. Yuri hadn't said anything he was pacing back in forth by the window lost in thought.

"Earth to Yuri what the fuck is going on?" I bit out into between sips.

He spun around with his fist clenched at his sides. "I could ask you the same damn question. When we were younger you told me you wanted to be better then Midas was, You said if you had a wife you wouldn't treat her like your father did your mother. The way your father ruled wasn't something you wanted. But now I don't know where your head is at anymore you have changed so much. Midas ruled with fear we all know that but that isn't you. And what we did to Phaedra I can't get over it I feel sick all the time. And it's probably the reason why Leona left she wasn't happy. We weren't connecting at all and then this I can't even look her in the eye."

"We did what had to be done that bitch was pregnant by someone else and I couldn't let that stand. If anyone found out I would look like a damn fool and be seen as a joke. How could I knowingly raise a child that wasn't mind. And the baby so clearly resembled her dead dog Lucas. And those guards died so that others could know that I'm not to be messed with. Now that Phaedra has done this it's only a matter of time before words spread. Since she left it leaves me with only one option." I explained.

"What option is that?" He asked.

"I will brand her a traitor of Black Pegasus and everyone will be on the lookout for her. The wanted poster will be spread to every damn city she won't even have a chance." I chuckled.

"Are you serious and what about your sister she is with her?" he questioned in shock.

"Leona chose to leave she betrayed me as well but she could be in search of our mother. Even though you feel like something is wrong maybe that is all it is. For now I won't mention Leona because she might come back. But if she is in with them then she will be in harms way. I plan to set a nice reward amount so you know a lot of beings will jump at the chance. Sometimes their can be causalities but it's a price we have to pay to get things done. If anyone finds out about Phaedra's baby it won't look good so we have to make sure they don't." I replied.

Yuri didn't say anything he just bowed respectively and walked out of the room silently. I looked at the time on my phone and strolled out of the throne room ready for my daily appointment. I walked down the hall and into the bedroom I had the helpers set up separate from Phaedra. She had no idea about it and that was how I liked it, it was my own space. I opened up the door to have the smell of scented vanilla candles hit my nose.

"It took you forever to get in here." Cherlise wined.

Cherlise was a the royal cook and also someone I had gotten really close to. She was short and thick with beautiful mocha skin and hazel eyes. She was dressed in purple and black lace lingerie and her she smelled of honey. I stripped off my clothes and crawled onto the bed with her and ran my hands up her smooth thighs.

I had stumbled into her kitchen after my fifth drunken night in a row. During the day I acted as if I was okay but at night I couldn't hide it. I would try and lay next to the woman that was supposed to be my wife. But all I could think of was another man all over her before or after I was with her. She claimed that she slept with Lucas before and that it hadn't been recent. But a due date is an estimate so I couldn't and refuse to believe her.

One night Cherlise was in the kitchen packing away leftover she had made. And I came in wanting to eat and she whipped me up a plate. She went to go leave and I asked her if she would eat with me. I expected her to be nervous and sit there quietly eating unsure of what to say. But she spoke up and we ended up having an amazing conversation. I found myself having any excuse and reason to go to the kitchen. Then one night I kissed her and it felt right we both wanted each other.

When I was with her I just cleared my mind and I was able to get lost in her. She was exciting in fun and beyond amazing in the bed. I knew that she would definitely be candidate for my new queen. But I had to be careful I couldn't make another mistake like I had done before. I knew Phaedra wasn't right or fit to be queen but I wasn't thinking clearly. I had been getting to know everything I could know about her and it was nothing I didn't like.

She cupped my face bringing me out of my thoughts. "Hey your not allowed to space out on me. She slammed her lips to mines and pressed her bodies close to mines. And I was unable to focus on that bullshit that was happening outside this room. All I cared about at this moment was hearing her say my name over and over.


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