Chapter 15

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Chapter 15



I couldn't stop thinking about what Adlyn had told us it all felt so unreal to me. My mom had come back to the cottage the next morning to bring us groceries. It felt weird calling her mom when I first arrived but after awhile it felt natural. She welcomed me into her home and raised me like I was her own daughter. And to think that my father took Adlyn away from her and had her raise his children.

"Hey you have been pretty quiet what's on your mind?" Farah questioned bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Eventually what my father did will come out and Julius will also find out. He will know that your not his mother and his real mother is dead. The path he is headed down is already so dark imagine how worse it will get. I know you don't agree with me but I feel like I should challenge him for the throne. I know it won't be easy but doesn't mean I don't want to try." I answered.

"I know that Julius isn't the king we thought he would be. But not matter if I'm your biological mother I still raised you. It doesn't mean that I love you any less because of it you know that. The last thing I would want to see is you to going at it but I know I can't stop you. I worry about how Julius would react to you challenging him it won't go well. And the way he is now I worry he would want to do a death challenge. Just because he would feel embarrassed that you did challenge him. He is just like his father in that way they are very prideful." She replied.

"I don't care seeing Adlyn and all she been through makes me want to stand up. I walked around the kingdom feeling out of place at all times. The guards all seem fearful that if they breath the wrong way that is it for them. I don't feel safe or that other beings feel that safe either things need to change. I will train my ass off I won't just rush into it I promise you that. And hopefully while I'm here doing all that I can get Kingston to forgive me." She responded.

Farah walked over and pulled me into a tight hug and I let my tense shoulders drop. "I know that you will figure out the right thing to do. I know that I can't protect any of you anymore your adults but doesn't mean I'll stop worrying. I know whatever happened with Kingston you have been friends to long it will work out."

"I messed up big time with Kingston and I don't know if I can really fix it. She was always more then a friend to me and I was to scare to let her know it." I admitted.

Farah gently rubbed up and down my back and it gave me so much comfort. "I understand and somehow you two will work it out."


We had all traveled on phantom horses to find our way to what was called the Hidden Path. It is set to be a headquarters for any alliance meeting that we have. The Hidden Path was a large maze like forest that had large mountains all around it. If we didn't have set directions from Hale we would have all gotten lost. Deep inside the mountains was a hidden door that led into a deep cave. The cave had small lit torches hanging from chains on the wall.

At the end of the hall it's another secret door that you have to turn rocks on the ground to enter. The door slides open and you are greeted by two large guards standing at the bottom of stoned staircase. Once up the stairs you are greeted by candle chandeliers hanging from the stone ceiling. A dark red carpet covered the ground throughout the entire cave. Their were rooms set up for us to stay overnight since it was a ten hour ride to get here. We all got settled in our room first and then we were asked to meet Hale in the meeting hall.

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