Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Saxton and I stood in front of building called the Velvet Rope that looked like high end club. He said a few words to the bouncer at the door and he nodded and let us in.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"Hale sent us here to meet with one of the many friends he has made over the years. He believes that she can help us bargain with Corlince." He answered.

The walls were a blood red velvet and the floor was so shined you could see your reflection. Over the top chandeliers hung around the room and demons all over the place.

"I never knew there were demons that lived in the human world like this." I replied in shock.

"These are the beings who left the underworld with the knowledge they could never return. They left behind there family, friends and entire life they knew to get away from the Underworld law." Saxton explained.

It was hearing things like this that made me keep fighting for change. For anyone to have to be forced to leave there home wasn't right and it pissed me off. We walked through the crowd and toward the pass a large VIP section. Then we turned down a short hallway that was way in the back of the room. Again there was a body guard standing their like a statue blocking the door.

"We are here to see Anagara she is is expecting us." Saxton informed him.

The guard nodded and turned to open the door. "Wait here." He ordered and shut the door leaving us standing their. After a few minutes he came back and told us we could go inside.

"Everyone get out I have to handle business." A woman in an all white suit said. She stood in front of a large window that looked out onto the dance floor. Just like the rest of the club the office was done in the same velvet wallpaper and bright wooden floors. A large circle desk was in the center of the room with plush black chairs around it.

"So I found out from our friend Hale that we have some shared interest." Anagara slightly smiled. She gestured for us to have a seat and we all down around her desk.

"I want to know what your story is and why we could we should trust you." I replied staring at her.

Friend of Hale or not we all knew Midas had a lot of reach and it worried me.

"That is fair enough since we both are taking a big risk. I mean once someone is sent to purgatory they serve out there sentence. Depending on what there crime is determines there type of punishment. But being in a place like that can change a being for the worse. Some demons get lucky they do there time and live out there lives in purgatory unable to come back. But they still make a lives for themselves the best they can. I have heard stories about some of those demons who aren't so lucky. Whose punishment is so severe it ruins there minds." Anagara explained.

"My sister and I lived in the underworld in fact until I was ten I didn't even know about her. We were only a year a part so when she was brought to our home we were instantly close. We had different mothers and she was the product of an affair that went on for years. But that didn't matter my father wanted his daughter in the kingdom and my mother raised her as her own. Our bother Sornin was the oldest and first in line for the throne until Corlince came. For the first time there were whispers of a queen being able to run our small town. It was all he needed to hear to make it start to change and turn to hate Corlince. When our parents were gone he would go out of his way to pick on her. And as we got older he did odd pranks that seemed more dangerous the funny. But Corlince never wanted to tell our parents and I don't get why." She paused and refill her glass from a bottle on her desk.

She took a sip and then continued. "One day he finally begin to set his plan into motion to murder our father. And to just be safe he made sure to set up Corlince for the deed. He slipped something into her drink to make sure it would all go as planned. She woke up next to our father's dead body and covered in his blood. But the time the murder was committed we weren't even home and I tried to defend her. But it turns out my brother had a friend in a high place a young man name Midas. My sister was sent to purgatory for a crime she didn't commit and then became queen their. I don't know how it happened but someone high up had to make that happen. Your a queen you can go into purgatory and remove the mark of the damned."

"What is the mark of the damned?" I asked.

"It is a branding that all purgatory beings are given a seal that keeps them from crossing the borderline. No matter how bad a demon wants to they can't cross the line into the underworld with that seal in place. In it takes someone of authority like yourself to be able to remove it." She answered.

"So even if we go to purgatory we still have to worry about getting in and out with harm. We don't want to cause to much commotion or even let it get around what we are doing their." Saxton chimed in.

"That's why you need to not only bring your father home but my sister as well. Hale told me about your story and I know we can help each other. I left the underworld because of what they did to her. When I tried to speak up my bother tried to have me killed so staying was no longer safe. But I want to get my sister out of that place she never deserved to be in. Hale couldn't get involved with it but he connected with beings that gave me information on my sister. For the longest time I had no idea what even happened to her." Anagara tried to reassure us.

"So what makes you think that she even wants to leave? She is a queen of a city." I replied.

"That means nothing in a place like that you will see once you get their. I want to bring her home and I know her years apart or not she wants to get out of their." Anagara said confident as hell.

"You said yourself that beings change once they are there how do we know we can trust her?" I questioned.

"You haven't met your father at all so you don't know if you can trust him. But he is your flesh in blood and you want to see for yourself no matter what. I will go with you and I will convince her myself that she has something to come home to. This isn't the underworld but I have made a good life for myself" She stated.

She was right and this seemed like the safest and best way to get my father out. I wanted to get him out without anyone getting injured or killed. I didn't want Midas to find out that we even went their either it all was a huge risk. But now that we were here there was no way we could turn back now.

"Okay you have a deal." I replied as I held out my hand. We clasped hands together both agreeing to help one another.  


Stay tuned for chapter 3!!! 

Rise Of The Demon Queen (Book 2) #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now