Am I...? No. I Can't Be. It's too Soon.

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I stared at my reflection shocked by what I saw.

I'm not.

I can't be.

He didn't.

I grimaced as a flash of pain swept through my body.

He did.

I looked at my abdomen, blood slowly dripping from me. That crazy son of a gun STABBED me! Uuhh. He's so going to get it after I get this under control. I pulled out a pain killer and popped it in my mouth, swallowing it down without water. Next, I pulled apart my wound, assessing its depth. Not too deep. A few stitches should do the trick. Finally I pulled out a needle and some embroidery thread. Slowly and painfully I stitched my lower hip back together and knotted it tightly. I slapped on a band aid and headed out to find him. I had finally upgraded to my own room.

He sat there smiling, scrubbing my blood off of the shiny silver of his knife.

"We're almost out of embroidery thread," I scowled as he looked up merrily.

"Maybe we'll get you some for your birthday. It is tomorrow, after all," he smirked as the room started to spin.

A year. It's been almost a year since I have myself up to the brutal serial killer, the infamous "Butterfly Killer" or just simply "Adam", "Sir" or, on rare occasion, "Master". He has told me he loves me but I've watched him murder four other men. Four strangers with families, loves, and friends. I remember their faces as they took their last breaths, listening as I cried for them. A strange girl bound to this by the brutal man that was slowly took their lives without an ounce of visible remorse.

I fell to the floor, smacking my brow on the way down.


I woke later to a pounding headache and his face inches from mine.

"I was supposed to graduate, though. To go to college and raise a family with a good job. This isn't fair," I muttered, feeling so small and crushed.

"You can raise a family with me, Ann. It won't be hard. I promise," it sounded more like a command and less like an idea.

I didn't know what to say so I just closed my eyes, silent tears rolling down my face. He backed up and left the room, leaving me with my horrific memories and thoughts of a future with him.

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