Running Again

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I woke up sore and threw on a tank top and a pair of shorts. Right as I sat back down, Adam walked in.

"Dressed so soon, Princess? Did you learn your lesson yesterday?" he chuckled as I nodded slowly.

He walked over and kissed me roughly.

"Can I have KFC today?" I asked, trailing my fingers up and down his chest.

He nodded. "It's a little bit further so I'll be back in forty," I nodded softly.

He clicked the door shut. Three, two, one. It's go time. I pulled open my door and jumped through the still broken glass door. This is my last chance. I ran as fast as I could, my legs burning as I rounded a corner to the fire station.

"Help!" I screamed to the air. No one was here. It was abandoned. Crap. I began to walk to the gas station when I saw him drive up to me.

"Again, Butterfly?" he smirked. "Get in."

**** 20 minutes later ****

He unlocked the door and dropped the KFC bag at the door.

"I didn't think you'd try again so soon but the sooner the better for me. I don't think I could've waited a whole week though," he pulled my arm roughly and dragged me up the stairs.

Oh no. Not again.

**** The next morning ****

He pulled himself off of my trembling body.

"One more round." he muttered. He laid back on top of me, his sweat rolling over me. All I could do was cry.

**** 30 minutes later ****

"I still got energy to burn. How about we go for round ten?" he smiled as I stared at him truly terrified as he rolled back onto me. "I was serious."

"No. Please," I muttered softly, trying to roll into a ball.

He smacked me hard. "You just earned yourself another three and a trip to the basement."

My eyes widened. Oh no. He smiled and grabbed my burning face. "Let's get you to the basement first."


I sobbed as he opened the door and threw me to the floor. I looked down and saw that my thighs and arms were bleeding. He saw too. He dragged me to the bed and hit each of my arms and forcefully grabbed my legs. I screamed loudly.

"Now to begin with the last three rounds..."

**** 1 hour and 30 minutes later ****

If I wasn't pregnant before, I knew I was now. I looked at the dirty mattress, my blood covering its surface. Slowly, I crawled over to it, wincing with every little move. Finally, I reached it and fell asleep. I didn't know how long I was going to sleep all I knew was that I didn't want to wake up.

**** Later ****

"Geez, Butterfly. I was getting worried. You've been out for two months. I have had to feed you with a tube," he smiled and poked my belly which was larger than I remember. "Time to test if you're just getting fat or if I kept my promise."

I looked at him confused before my eyes widened and the memories came floating back. Jose. The promise. Oh no. The punishments. He smiled as I began to cry.

"Use this," he handed me a pink box labeled pregnancy test on it.

I went into the bathroom and silently waited, counting the cracks in the ceiling before checking the stick. "++". Oh no. I began to cry. Slowly I walked out and showed him the stick.

"I hate you! I'm pregnant! I'm seventeen you jerk! I had a future. I wanted this to happen the right way," I slammed the stick to the grounded, breaking it to pieces. Slowly I fell down and just lay on the ground, sobbing with whatever energy I had left. What was I going to do?

Finding the Butterfly KillerWhere stories live. Discover now