Memories of Dead Love

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I woke up sweating in this dark, dank room on the cold floor, my arms and legs irritated from the duct tape. I began to squirm letting out a small "Uumph" as I rolled over.

"Hahaha," I heard, his deep clicky chuckle irritating me already. "Don't bother. There's about seven layers of that stuff on your wrists alone."

I glared at him, "Well Mister Wise Guy, I'm externally allergic to adhesive and rope. So much for doing 'research'!"

He chuckled again. "Oh no. I did. That's why I got the extra adhesive tape."

I glowered in the direction of his voice and then rolled back over with another subtle "Uumph".

"Rules," he muttered suddenly right against my back. "You do what I say and I say shut up and let me look at you. Do not flinch or cower away. Just for inspirational motivation, if you don't do what I just said, Lover boy gets it."

I whimpered slightly and nodded.

"Good," he murmured, smiling and kissing my neck gently.

I watched him as he stood and looked at me. He reached forward and grabbed one of my raven black locks. "Pretty hair." he muttered before moving on. He looked at my body and I suddenly felt self- conscious.

I looked down at my tight low cut V-neck Pierce the Veil t- shirt and frayed mini skirt.

He laughed. "Nice body, too. Really nice body."

I watched his eyes trace my chest and waist with his eyes. My cheeks reddened. My baby blue eyes lowered to the dirty mattress. He walked over and stretched his hand forward. It took everything in me not to flinch. He grabbed my chin to make me look at him.

"I might even keep you." He smiled before smashing his lips onto mine in a forced kiss. I felt his hand trying to force my mouth open and I obeyed as silent tears streamed down my face. "You are a great kisser."

He smiled wickedly and closed the door quietly.


The days went on like this, his violence slowly increasing, his force used also increasing. Some days he'd bring me McDonald's. I cried every day after the first because Jose was gone. Dead. "Adam" killed him the first day he kissed me because I resisted at first.

**** Day 2 ****

He did it slowly. Right before my eyes. I cried as he cut off his left ring finger and slowly took out his eyes. As Jose sat there, slowly dying in agony, I watched "Adam" take my boyfriends blood from his finger, his own hands protected by gloves, and drew a small and simple butterfly and the number thirteen next to it. Then, it got worse. He pulled out a pen and paper and made me write a letter. "Make it simple." He said.

I had done that exact thing.

"Jose was my love. The Butterfly Killer has me and Jose was victim 13. Don't bother trying to find me. He'll only kill you. Thank you for such a great life.

"Love and Laughter,

"Katy~Ann Donavan"

I looked at the letter in my hand and handed it back to him.

"Oh no, no, no," he smirked. "You're doing this one personally. Put it where his left eye was. Right in the socket."

He looked at me evilly as tears slid down my face as I placed it in. "I'm sorry." I whispered, kissing his slightly warm cheek. "I love you and I will never stop. I pinky promise."

I held out my pinky and kissed my thumb, pressing it to his lips.

"Adam" grimaced from his spot next to me.

"Finished?" he muttered, pulling Jose over the stairs and through the door.

**** Present ****

I shivered at the memory and realized I was crying again. "Oh God. I miss you, Jose. I hope you're happy wherever you are and that you know I love you."

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