just dance

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           NATALIES POV

I needed to think. I needed to dance. Kate had picked me up last night and taken me home, I had cried for a wail, dont ask me why, probably horamones or something. I had awoken with red eyes and my dress still on. I picked up my phone, there were about a billion missed calls from Jason. Ugh.

I called a friend, "hello?" Maricus voice said into the phone.

"hi, it's Natalie, I was woundering if we could meet at the studio in like five for some practice?"

"sure, I've been meaning to ask you about something. I'm going to start a dance group and I was woundering if you would want to join?"

"You know it! But is it gonna be crappy ball room shit or fun fast stuff?"

"Fun and very fast, It's just gonna be me and you at first, we have a preformance tuesday at the club near your school, as soon as we're popular we can have auditions for our group."

"K! I'll see you soon."

"K." I hung up. I put on some makeup and my spandex shorts slipping on a hot pink crop top. I raced down stairs and got in my car. I drove to the dance studio wich wasnt too far from my place.

When I got there Maricus was already there streatching and stuff.

"hi." I said cheerily.

"ok, I'm gonna teach you the moves and then we'll go through it from the top. Oh and also I thought if it was ok we could practise on Monday like later in the day."

"sure, now lets get started!"

He taught mr the moves quickley, they were very hard and involved a lot of acrobatics but it was easy once I knew the routine. It was fun, very fast, and sexy.

"Want to go through it one more time from the top?"

"Yah." I answered in between pants.

He walked over and started the music.

I had my bacl to his front, he let his hands wander freely over me. I turned around moving my hips against his. He spun me around and held on to my hand as i stiffened leaning back onto the ground and jumping back up into a crouched can-can, he jumped over me pulling me through his legs out in front of him I turned away from him as he did Michel Jacksons move with the head and the grabbing and stuff. I spun back to him and pushed off his chest with a hand as he fake ran after me. I turned and walked away from him, as soon as I was a good distance I raced at him jumping off his chest into a back flip. He pulled me back against him as we swayed our hips to the rythem of the song droping to the ground together and body rolling back up. I turned to him wrraping a leg around him, he held my waist, dipping me back and yanking me up so my eyes meet his. He let his hands moldd around me and close any space between us. I gasped as he spun me on my toes. I lifted a leg back as the music slowed, he put his hands under my stomach letting me relax into them and he helped me pop my chest as I put my leg down he grabbed my hand twisting me so my arms were crossed over each other and his hands were grasping mine tightly. We moved from side to side very fast. I made my way up and down him with my back pressed against him. I spun around fast and jumped up wraping my legs around his waist. He took no time to lift me above his head just as Jason had just hours before. I put my legs over his shoulders as he let me drop. I could feel his shoulders tense as we did this, he brought me back up so I was staring him dead in the eyes. 

"You are amazing."  I said not moving.

He put me down on the floor straddeling over my stomach as I giggled.

"And you are sexy." Marcius said staring deep into my eyes I almost got lost in his as well.



Sorry for the short chapter, I wanted to get something up, I know it seems like this book is mainly about Natalie and mainly in her POV, thats cause it is mainly about her. I hope you all like it comment to tell me what should happen next!!!!!

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