Chapter 8

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"I can't believe this.." I mumbled to myself as Chanyeol told me everything. My parents suggested that both of us should live together.

"We are not even officially married yet." I said and Chanyeol sighs. I can see that he is troubled with this.

Just then, our heads turn towards the door as it unlocks by itself. I can tell that someone came in and as the person walk nearer, I knew who it was.

"Seriously, mum, dad, what is this nonsense?" I said with my eyebrows raised. They look at each other, looking pretty nervous.

They were about to speak but I raise a finger.

"Chanyeol-shi told me everything." I said and shake my head lightly. They can tell that I was pretty disappointed.

"We just come here to tell you about the wedding date. I am just going to leave the invitation here." Mum said but I didn't even look at her.


This is the first time I have seen Fei looking sad and mad. I look towards her parents as they were leaving.

I decided to ran after them.

"Mr and Mrs Wang!" I called and they turn while giving me a smile.

"I will try to cheer her up." I said and they just nodded.

"Thank you Chanyeol. She must have been pretty stressed up with her schedules and all." Mr Wang said and I look down. Is she really stressed up with her schedules?

"We must go now." Mrs Wang said as both of them waved at me. After seeing them off, I went in to see Fei staring into space. I decided to sit beside her.

"Chanyeol-shi." Fei called and I turn towards her.

"Yes?" I said and she looks at me. I gulped as I look at her eyes. And why an I feeling nervous?

"Are you hungry?" She asked and I widen my eyes. She was mad but now she is thinking of food? Heol.

"Sort of." I said and Fei smiled while taking out her phone.

"Pizza or Chinese or both? My treat." Fei said and I smile widely.

"Both, and let's pay each half."


The delivery came and we sat infront of each other in the dining table. It's been a long time I ate alot of food like this.

"Chanyeol-shi, eat as much as you want. Actually, whenever you are with me, you can't "diet"." She said while putting a dumpling into her mouth.

I can't help but laugh at her. Fei's fans sent me a whole lot of facts about her and one of them is she eats like a guy.

As we eat, we talk about different topics about our own personal lifes.

"Hey, come to think of it, I just notice that the apartment is huge!" Fei commented and I look around. I just realise that the house has 2 storey.

"Let's look around after we finish eating!" I said with a wide smile and Fei giggle. 10% to falling in love.

arranged marriage // EXO chanyeol [ DISCONTINUED ]Where stories live. Discover now