The Right Time Chapter 9

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||Long overdue update||

Explaining why Paul was hurt like this to the doctor was awfully embarrassing. 'We fought a phsycho rapist gang member,' sounded a little too, well, straight forward. When eventually they managed to explain in the least weird way, the doctor informed them of the severities. "It's not too bad," he explained. "It barely grazed the asdfghjkl and tore the left hahdlajdj." Or at least that's what his explanation sounded like to Jackie. "Drink fluids, and don't give yourself to much stress. Just, uh, relax for a couple days."

"Relax. I can do that," Paul said, jovially, trying to make the best of the situation. Brian was phoned to come and take them all back to the hotel. All the way back, he scolded them with a barrage of "what-if"s and "unresponsable"s. Jackie still felt terribly that this whole thing was her fault no matter how Paul tried to comfort her.

At the hotel, she did her best to do everything and more to make Paul more comfortable. "I'm alright, really Jackie. Just sit down for a bit." Paul told her, from his spot propped up on the bed. Jackie yawned. "I think I'm just going to go to bed. And don't even try to sleep on the couch. You stay right there in the bed."

Jackie lay awake on the couch that night, long after everyone else had gone to sleep. She hadn't given much thought to the idea that eventually, she would have to go home. Number one, she didn't know how, and number two, she didn't want to leave her new friends behind. She didn't want to go back to the time where John and George were gone, and Paul and Ringo were far out of reach. Another thing that bothered her was what she would tell people. Was time moving on like normal in her time? If so, where was she? Was it as if she had gone missing, or was time simply stopped? She thought and thought. "How did I get here in the first place?" she thought. She remembered the day. "I unplugged my laptop right as something was struck by lightening I think. But what did that do?" She decided to consult with the boys in the morning. In the mean time, she had to get some sleep.

After their solemn breakfast the next morning, which Jackie brought to Paul on his bed, she gathered them all in the room. "Ok. So, I was thinking, and I remembered that when I got here, to this time, I had just unplugged my computer as lightening struck our power lines. Maybe if I unplugged something again in a thunder storm, it would send me back." They looked sad. "We'll miss you, Jackie," George said. "I'll miss you too," Jackie felt tears brimming in her eyes. She had met her idols, but now had to leave them. They were silent for a time. Jackie said in a hollow, choked voice, "We should check the weather to see when the next storm is." They switched on the old television, and very conveniently, it was giving the weather forecast. "Thunderstorms tomorrow, 99% chance of rain and lightening all around the London area."

Jackie felt quite stupid sitting next to the plug of a lamp, her hand waiting to pull it out at the first sound of thunder. Her cheeks were still slightly wet from the teary hugging and goodbyes with the band. As she waited, she remembered something she had to do. She quickly got up, and scribbled a few words on a peice of scrap paper, and handed it to Paul. "Hold on to this till the year 2013. I think You'll know what to do with it." She hugged him one last time, then positioned herself next to the plug once more. A flash of lightning and a crashing boom of thunder and she was thrown into the whirling colors and sounds of the space-time continuum.

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