The Right Time Chapter 4

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A cab took them to a park. John was right. There was a little pond, and a boat rental. “Why don’t we rent a boat?” Ringo said. “Yeah,” said John and George. “Oh... I’m, well this is kind of embarrassing, I’m kind of scared of boats,” Jackie said, timidly, “When I was 5, my family and I went on a cruise. And the boat sank... We got off safely, except my uncle didn’t...”

“That’s awful!” Paul said quickly, “I’ll stay with you.”

“Oh, thanks, but you can go if you want to. I’ll be fine.”

“No. I’ll stay.”

“See? I told you, love. He fancies you!”

“John, don’t be an ass.” said George, though he was stifling laughter. Paul rolled his eyes at them.

“Oh, go on and get yer boat, will ya?” The three snickered as they went off.

“I apologize for anything they say, ahead of time.”

Jackie giggled “It’s alright. It’s funny.” Paul blushed. “Let’s walk around the pond.” They started off. “So, do you play any instruments?” “Oh yes! I play guitar, bass, flute, violin, piano, drums, ukulele, and banjo!” Jackie answered excitedly. “Wow. You’re quite the musician.” Now it was Jackie’s turn to blush. “ELLO, LOVE BIRDS!” John shouted from the middle of the lake. “Aw, go soak your head!” Paul shouted back, blushing, furiously. Jackie felt her face redden a bit. Just then, John lost his balance and fell in. Jackie and Paul broke down laughing! He came up sputtering. “Oi lads!” he called to George and Ringo who were also dying with laughter, on the boat, “Help me up will you, fuckwits!” Jackie calmed down enough to say “That, was the funniest thing I have ever seen!” And then doubled over laughing again. “I SUPPOSE YOU THINK THAT WAS FUNNY?” John yelled from the boat. “YES! QUITE A BIT!” Paul responded. “Whoo. I needed a laugh. So, supposing you really did come from the future...” “What do you mean ‘supposing’?” “Well, I...” “You think I’m just batty, don’t you?” “No! I never said that! I just said... I was just gonna ask you what it’s like!” Paul said, defensively. “Do you believe me?” “Well... yes... sort of, but I mean, it seems a little, y’know, strange. Far fetched.” “You don’t believe me.” Jackie turned away. A tear rolled down her cheek. All the happiness the last moment had given her was gone. She was scared. She didn’t know what was going on either. She wasn’t really mad at Paul, she was just reminded that she had no idea what was happening. “Ah have the love birds had a squabble?” The other three came up. John soaked to the skin. “Do you guys believe me?” “About what?” George inquired. “That I came from the future?” “I never said I didn’t believe you!” Paul articulated. “Ey, no time to argue. I’ve got to change.”

Back at the hotel, John changed. Paul sat beside Jackie. “Jack,” Jackie looked away. “Look, I do believe you. I’m just trying to wrap my mind around it. Did you not think it was a bit, scary?” Jackie looked Paul straight in the face. ‘Tip to self: If you want to stay mad at Paul, don’t look at his face.’ Jackie sighed. “Yes. It was terrifying. I’m sorry I got so mad at you. I guess I got overwhelmed the fact that it’s not a dream. I’m as confused as you. This is real. And I am meeting you guys.” She just sat for a minute. “Ey Jack? Has she gone into a coma?” Ringo said, jokingly. “Yes. What? No. I’m alright.” Jackie snapped herself out of her trance. “I’m hungry. How about that tuck?”

Paul’s POV

I can’t get over her. Her long brown hair, the way it perfectly frames her beautiful face, with those gorgeous green eyes. John’s right, I hate to say. When I say her name I get goosebumps when I say her name. Even though she is 3 years younger than me. Well I guess, in her time, she is actually a lot younger than me. I wonder if I’m still alive? I’d rather not know. I caught her staring at me earlier, when Brian was here. I wonder if she likes me? I better not get my hopes up. I’m an old man in her time. I have been called the ‘cute’ Beatle. I hope she thinks that!

      -Never look at Paul's face when trying to be mad at him!-

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