The Right Time Chapter 5

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They walked a short distance to a restaurant near the recording studio. “Table for five, please,” Ringo requested at the door. The waiter led them to a table. Paul pulled a chair out for Jackie. John gave him a I-Know-You-Like-Her-And-Just-Don’t-Want-To-Admit-It look. “What? She’s a lady! We ought to treat her lady-like!” “I don’t have any money to pay you guys back for all the things you’ve done for me.” “Nonsense, love,” chided George, “No need for you to pay us back.” “Alright. If you’re sure.” “I’m sure.”

When they had got done eating, they headed back to the hotel. “Anyone up for a game?” Ringo said. “What games do we have?” Asked George. “Oh yeah... Um, we could play charades?” “Naw.” “Why don’t we just switch on the telly for a bit.” By now, it was nearly 10 o’clock. Jackie yawned. “I think I’ll just turn in.” “See you in the morning.” said Ringo. “Goodnight, Ringo”

Jackie lay in the hotel bed. It was the most comfortable bed she had ever slept in. ‘This is amazing! I actually went back in time and met the Beatles! And one of them likes me! Oh my god. But I’ll have to go back. How? Am I stuck here forever? I’ll think about that later. I went back in time! This is so crazy!’ Jackie didn’t remember when she stopped thinking and drifted off to sleep, but before she knew it, she was fast asleep.

Once Jackie had gone to bed, John, Paul, George, and Ringo sat in the main room. “Now spill it, McCartney. We all know you like her.” “Alright, alright. I guess I like her a bit,” Paul admitted, “But don’t any of you go tellin’ her.” John smirked in an ‘I told you so’ way.“Well why don’t you just tell her?” “Oh come of it,” Paul scoffed, “You’ve liked girls before, Ringo. You should know you can’t just go and tell ‘em. What if she don’t like you back? What if she thinks you’re weird? Besides, she from another time. She’ll have to go back eventually, and I’ll just be sad.” They sat in silence for a minute. “So, you really believe she’s from another time?” “What else would explain her clothes for one thing?” “What’s another thing, then?” Paul frowned. “I don’t know.” “She should prove it.” “In the morning. It’s late and I’m tired. You all leave so I can sleep.” “Night.”

When Jackie awoke the next morning, she walked into the main room, to see Paul, John, George, and Ringo sitting there, waiting. "Morning," George said solemnly. "OK, let's get straight to the point. We was all wondering if you were really from the future. So, we'd like you to try and prove it." Jackie couldn't believe her ears. They still did not believe her? “Not because we think you're lying or anything, but to convince ourselves," John said. “Thing is, we don’t know how exactly,” Paul said, “How do you prove you’re from the future?”

“I still need to prove it for myself,” Jackie said. She suddenly remembered that she had taken her cell phone out of her pocket the first night she was there. “I don’t know why I didn’t show you this before!” She ran to the bedside table, and grabbed her iPhone. “Look at this! I bet you don’t have anything like this now.”

“What is that?” George asked, amazed. “It’s called a cell phone. You can call people on it,” she answered, “I think I have a picture of one of you on here,” she said. Jackie did in fact have over 200 photos of them, but she wasn’t about to tell them that. She showed them a picture of Paul in 2009. “Whoa. That’s weird! You look so old, Paul!” John said, laughing. Jackie got a slightly sick feeling in her stomach. ‘What if they ask to see a picture of John? He’s not alive anymore! I can’t tell them that.’ The four took her phone and played around with it, taking pictures, and playing the apps she had. Jackie watched them, fondly. They were like little children playing with a new toy. She hoped the pictures they took stayed on her phone when she went back. “Ey look! You can take videos too!” George discovered, “Say ‘hi’, Jackie!” “This is so wicked! I definitely believe you,” Paul said. “Yeah. We don’t have anything like this at all,” agreed John, “This is crazy.”

-Sorry it took so long to get this part out. -

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