The Rught Time Chapter 10

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She woke gasping on the floor of her bedroom, rain pouring down the windows, and her laptop beeping on the bed. She looked up at the poster of her beloved Beatles on the wall. Tears immediately flowed to her eyes. She knew that picture on the poster had been taken the day she left. Paul had been weating the same suit when she left. Sh peered closely at something in the picture shed never noticed before. Peeping out of the chest pocket on Paul's blazer, a little corner of paper protruded. She smiled despite the tears, and place a kiss on the poster. She heard her mother call from the first floor. "Hey honey. Paul McCartney is on this interview thingy on the tv!" Jackie jumped up, and ran down stairs. There sat Paul. The same Paul she'd been with only minutes before. He was older obviously. He was talking. "Yeah. Uh, around this time actually, many years ago when we were first starting out as just the four of us, Ringo, George, John, and I, we were staying at this hotel in London, doing press conferences and recording and stuff. There, we met someone who completely changed my outlook on many things," He stopped and smiled at his lap. "She was something special, Nick." Apperently, the shows host was named Nick. "We had some good times with her. And some pretty weird ones. One time, we rented a boat, and John was shouting at us from the boat, and he fell in!" He chuckled. "he came up all spluttering and angry as John would be..." Jackie couldn't watch anymore. She retreated to her room, turning up the volume on her radio and blocking out all the world.

Over the next few days, she tried to put her adventure out of mind and focus on school. But every night after school, she would stare at that poster and recall all the fun things she did so many many years ago.

She'd fallen asleep, but was awakened by a ring on the doorbell. She trudged down the stairs and flung open the door, ready to call her mother or father and tell them it was for them, but someone she was not expecting stood on the stoop.

Paul McCartney stood there in her very doorstep, a worn and ripped paper in his hand. When he saw Jackie, his face broke into an enormous smile. "Jackie!" he shouted. "Paul?" she was overjoyed at the sight. Paul pulled her into a big bear hug, just as if they were old friends, and she hugged him back just as firmly. "You littrally haven't changed a bit." Paul exclaimed. Jackie laughed. "I can't believe you held on to that paper all these years!" Now tears of joy filled her eyes. As you can guess, the paper had Jackie's current adress on it. They hugged again. "Oh hang on. Let me tell my mother I'm going out." She yelled to her mom that she was going out for a bit, and then happily took Paul's arm. "Well, what are we waiting around here for? We've got years of catching up to do, and I don't have all day."


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