Feel Better

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•Imagine that you're sick and J is taking care of you.•

You slept on the couch, wrapped in a blanket and tissues, watching your favorite show on his huge 82 inch T.V. The house was empty. J was on a heist but you didn't know when he was coming back.

You dozed off every now and then. All you could do was stay on the couch because your body was weak and everything ached.
You startled awake from a doze and heard the front door open. "Where's my doll?" You heard him shout. You couldn't reply, your voice just sounded like a croak.

Finally, he found you in a pile of tissues, cold medicine and blankets. Your nose was red and slightly stuffy, your hair in a messy bun. You sniffed, and looked up at him and gave him a small smile. "What happened?" He asked, crouching down on the floor so we was eye level with you on the couch.

"I...I don't..." You could barely get the words out. You were just about to open your mouth again to try to talk but he pressed a finger to your lips. "Shhh..."
He took off his purple coat and threw it on the floor so that he was only in his white, half-buttoned shirt and black pants. He sat on the couch next to you, and wrapped his arms around your waist. You could barely keep your eyes open but you looked over at him and tried to give him a smile, your eyes closing. You appreciated him being there for you when you needed it most. It felt nice, like a 'normal thing a couple would do.

He chuckled as you gave him a lazy smile and kissed you softly on your neck and shoulder, his hot breath on you giving you shivers.
"You're freezing." He said quietly. You pulled up the blankets more, covering your arms.
"Or I could just make you warm." He gave you a sly smile, and pulled down the blankets that you just pulled up, just covering your stomach and down. He kissed your neck softly, sending vibrations through your body. It felt so good, the one thing that was a benefit from being sick, is getting treated like a princess by him. The smallest moan escaped your parted lips, and you leaned against his chest

"Feel better, feel better." He muttered against your cold skin, as if he was giving you medicine. But you did suddenly feel slightly warm. He slowly ran his hands up and down your arms, creating heat. "I feel warm now." You whispered quietly, your itchy throat not letting you speak any louder.

He continued to lay soft kisses on you, working up to your jaw and your lips, softly. It was such a simple pleasure, but it made you feel just the slightest bit better.
He pressed his hand to your forehead. "Tsk, tsk, tsk," He mutters, "Looks like you have a fever, sweets." You groan and lean into him, your head resting on his chest. You just wanted to stay with him, let him kiss you more. But the high temperature was too much and your eyes struggled to stay open. His fingers ran through your hair as you quickly drifted off to sleep.

The next morning...

You wake up on the couch. The T.V is turned off. You look around and realize that you fell asleep in the Joker's arms. You feel his steady heart with your hand and he wakes up. "Hi." You say quietly and smile softly at him.
The Joker blinks slowly, "I just...dozed off." He says as if he's embarrassed that he's the one that fell asleep. He ran his hand through his green hair.

You giggle and lean into his chest again. "You feel any better?" He asks, stroking your arm.
"Hm. Let's find out." You say and throw the blankets off and try to get up, holding on to the arm of the couch. Your legs slightly bend beneath you but you straighten up and stretch and yawn, your sweater rising up and the Joker catches a glimpse of your stomach.

You start to walk around, back and forth. You hadn't gotten off the couch in two days, and your blood wasn't properly circulating through your veins.
"You look better." He says, looking you up and down, at your perfect body.
"Yeah..." You nod and look down at your legs. They're almost pale, along with the rest of your body, because you haven't eaten anything but the Joker notices. "Wow. You almost look like me now!" He laughed and gestured at your legs. You blushed and looked at the floor.

He stands up slowly and stretches. He walks over to you and puts his hands on your waist, "Let's put some color back in that skin of yours." He smirked and picked you up, bridal style.
"Hey, I can walk, y'know!" You giggled.
"Nah, I don't think you can, doll." He smirked, clearly making an excuse to hold you in his arms. Oh, what a charmer.

He walked to the dining room and set you down on the wooden chair. "Wait here." He said before disappearing into another room.
10 minutes later, he came in with a tray with orange juice, toast, and eggs.
Your eyes widened. The Joker made bothered to make breakfast just for you?
"Hope that wasn't too much trouble." You said quietly. He set it down in front of you.
"Oh, I didn't prepare it. I can't cook." He smiled, "I just drink." Clearly, one of his henchmen had done it for him.

He watched you eat the delicious breakfast and he started to notice some redness coming back to your face. "Hey, look. The blood's getting to ya." He touched your face gently and you smiled.
When you finished, he picked you back up and sat you down on the couch again.
"I've been sitting here for two days..." You protested. You wanted to get up and do something, use your legs. But he slowly sat down and ran a hand over his face. His expression changed and now he looked more tired than ever.

"Yeah, I know. But I don't think I feel so good now." He groaned. "Aw, poor baby." You smirked. You straddled yourself on his lap and felt his forehead, "You're definitely burning up, J." He groaned again but put his hands on your waist.
"You got me sick." He growled and shifted under you.
"Want me to make you feel better?"
You asked and pouted, stroking his face. He just looked at you and slowly started to close his eyes, too tired to answer.
You leaned down and kissed his hot neck and behind his ear while you ran your hand down his abs. He moaned just slightly, feeling his fingers grip your waist a bit, and you kissed his lips, not too soft but not too hard.

You bit your lip, pleased at yourself that you got some sort of sound of pleasure from him. You got off his lap and layed with him on the couch, resting your head on his chest and listened to his steady heart as you both drifted off to sleep, once again.

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