Your Worst Nightmare

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Imagine waking up in the middle of the night because you had a nightmare about the Joker and pain consumes you.•

You startle awake, cold and sweaty. The top of your hair is matted to your forehead. Sitting up, you look around the room. You're in the same bed that you went to sleep in. Same room. The same man laying next to you.

You breathing is in short gasps. You couldn't believe what you just had a dream about.

"You're gonna be punished."
A whip lash sound vibrating in your ears.
"Really badly."
Suddenly, you're running down a dark alley. Not sure who you're running from. The narrow walls start to close in on you, fog rising up from the ground. Out of nowhere, a stabbing pain fills your stomach. You bend over, wincing in pain and fall to the ground.
"Who are you?" You ask looking up at a dark tall figure.
"Your worst nightmare." A light shines on the Joker's face as he grins. He beats you, kicking you in the stomach, keeping you down on the ground. He punches your face, socking your arms. Finally, he grabs a knife and stabs you in the stomach and you black out.

You start to breathe heavily again, your heart is racing. More cold sweat drips down your back. Pulling the sheets off of you, you scramble to get off the bed.
Your eyes widen as you look around the room, your head in your hands, trying to shake off the dream. But suddenly, the stabbing pain comes back to your stomach. It hurts so much that you hull over, falling to your knees. You wince in pain and you start to hyperventilate.

The Joker hears you, slowly stirring awake. He looks in your direction and sees you on the ground, grabbing your stomach. His eyes widen and he quickly rushes to your side.
"Y/n, w-what's going on?" He asks, trying to find your eyes in the dim light.

But you see his face and instantly remember him beating you in your dream. You flinch back, and start to back away on your hands and knees, but the pain threatens to hurt even more.
"No, no, no..." You mutter, staring into the man who hurt you. The Joker's eyes only looked at you in confusion.
"Baby, what's wr-"
"You..." You let out a short gasp as you keep crawling back but your head hits the dresser behind you, knocking over a white vase and it crashes on your feet, cutting you.
You cry out pain, blood starting to seep out.

The Joker tries to go over to you and see if you're okay, but you stand up, limping, "No, you stay where you are!" You yell, trying to back away but your feet are aching now, blood covering your ankles. Half of you was convinced that what he did in the dream was real, and the other half somewhat knew that everything was fine and it was just a nightmare.

"Y/N, what the hell-" He says, but you quickly limp towards the bedroom door, yanking it open and try rushing down the stairs but you trip and fall forward, scratching your face.

You try to get up and run again, ignoring the pain, trying to get away from that horrid man but as you try to stand on your feet, your knees give out and you fall back down again, landing on your rear.

"Dollface..." You hear the Joker's voice behind you, starting to get closer. You look around in the dim light and you can hardly make him out, coming closer to you. You start to breathe faster but you know that your body can't stand up.
You feel the warmth of his body next to you, feel his eyes looking you over, your scratches, the blood.
"Don't hurt me!" You whisper trying to back away.

You could almost feel the expression on the Joker's face, pure confusion.
"Why would I hurt you?" He asked.
"'re my worst nightmare..." You whispered, quoting what he said in your dream.

Silence filled the staircase. He was entirely confused, why you would even say such a thing. It was obviously a nightmare that you had, but to call him one? This made him upset but he knew you were just overreacting and you were convinced that he was out to get you. But he proved you wrong. You felt his strong, muscular arms wrap around your body. You gasped at the touch.

"I would never hurt you," He said, stroking your hair. "Just a bad dream," He whispered as you tried to squirm away slightly. "Just a bad dream, doll." He said again, pulling you closer, suddenly making you feel safe in his arms.
You exhaled in relief, realizing that he was not the man in your dreams. You hugged him back, holding tight to his body. He kept stroking your hair, calming you down and you felt your heart start to tame itself.

He effortlessly picked you up in his arms, like a baby, walking up the stairs and back into the bedroom

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He effortlessly picked you up in his arms, like a baby, walking up the stairs and back into the bedroom. He set you down on your side of the bed before going to the bathroom to get a small wet towel to wipe off the blood on your feet and pick off the small bits of glass lodged in your heels.

You pulled the sheets up closer and he lay down beside you. He sighed and pulled you into his arms. Softly kissing your forehead, you lay your head on his toned chest, taking in the gentle touch that the Joker in your nightmare didn't have.

 Softly kissing your forehead, you lay your head on his toned chest, taking in the gentle touch that the Joker in your nightmare didn't have

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