3 - therapy

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delilahs pov


we sat on the floor of a dark, empty room. it was quite unsettling seeing no furniture is such an old and abandoned room. apparently, this was the therapy room. the brown haired boy shifted uncomfortably as I watched him carefully.

after a month in this place, I knew why the other nurses looked so depressed

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after a month in this place, I knew why the other nurses looked so depressed. it was continuous. everything was continuous. our schedule. the patients. the food. everything. I had tried to make this a little more fun, but it was near impossible in this hell hole.

however, this past month had given me a chance to admire dan. he was so precious. cheeky, yes. scary at some times, yes. mad at some times, yes. but weren't we all like that? I watched as he silently sat on the floor of his cell. sometimes he mumbled to himself, rocking backwards and fourth. but he was a piece of art. he was so different than all of the other patients. sure, they had something in common. but he had something special that dragged me in. he was quite exquisite.

"so mr. howell, how have you been?" he shrugged and kept his gaze on the floor. I sighed, knowing this whole therapy thing was useless. if anything it pushed them back into their shell. but it was a requirement here. "you can talk to me, you do understand that correct?"

he shook his head, looking up at me with tears in his eyes. "i know that. but they won't let me." I furrowed my eyebrows, writing what he just said in the book I had. it had all records about Dan in it. I still had to read it.

"whos 'they' dan?" he teared up and shook his head. squeezing his eyes shut and pressing his palms to his ears, he screamed. I winced at the sound and looked over at him. I could've sworn I saw his eyes dilute into a black colour, but I couldn't be sure.

he looked back at me with a devilish smirk. I looked down at the book nervously. he did this often. he had the ability to change his expressions just like that. somehow, all tears that were once built up in his eyes had gone. disappeared. "what were you saying, miss brooks?" he leant towards me and glance behind me, smiling. I glanced behind me, but nothing was there. just an empty doorway.

"what was that, dan?" he shrugged, smirking at me and licking his lips

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"what was that, dan?" he shrugged, smirking at me and licking his lips. I scribbled down some words on the page, glancing up at him quickly.

he was gazing at me softly. There was something in his eyes, that I couldn't describe. it was something that I hadn't seen before, but I was determined to find out what it was. "why are you looking at me like that, mr. howell?"

he blinked, "you look very nice in your uniform, miss brooks." I smiled at him and thanked him quietly. "do you have a boyfriend or a significant other, delilah?

I furrowed my eyebrows, crossing my arms, "that's quite an inappropriate question to ask your nurse, mr. howell. i will not answer that." his eyes darkened, grabbing my wrists tightly.

"answer me. they want to know."

I grimaced at the pain that shot towards my wrists, trying to pull away. "Dan, please stop it." he shook his head, laughing quietly. "answer me."

tears formed in my eyes, "no, I don't. please stop it, you're hurting me." I whimpered, looking at him straight in the eye. his eyes flashed black, before turned back to his normal, chocolate colour.

"i-im sorry I don't know wh-" I hushed him, trying to put a different expression on my face. "its ok. dont worry about it."

he raised an eyebrows, scanning my face. his gaze went from my lips to my nose to my eyes and to my ears. I gave him a questioning look and he blushed. "sorry."

shaking my head, I stood up and picked up the book along with me. "come on. it's lunch time."

"they took my lunch away from me again today." I frowned at him, "I'll be sure to sneak something in for you." he grinned gratefully and pulled me in for a hug. I laughed slightly and wrapped my arms around his waist rubbing his back. it was odd, he smelt like cologne which wasn't permitted in the building, and smoke which was also banned.

his rough, calloused hand reached up, gliding across my soft, delicate cheek. his brown orbs stared into my green ones, searching for an emotion. anything. ''you have beautiful eyes, miss brooks.'' i smiled, lokking down. i mumbled a 'thanks' and snapped out of the moment we were having. it's incorrect and inappropriate to act like that towards your patient.

we pulled apart and I lead him to his cell. "ill be back soon for your meds, ok? if you need anything just call my name." he nodded and sat down on the floor.

he looked quite cold. all patients were forced to wear long baggy pants and a short sleeves tshirt which was very thin. i made a mental note in my head to get something warmer for him and walked back into the lounge room.


thank you guys so much for all of the support :) I'm going through kind of a hard time and school has just started so he updates will be only once a week. i appreciate all of the comments and votes though, thank you!!


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