6 - confused

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love can be a confusing thing. you need to put your all into the person that you love, or else it's not worth it at all. for dan, he tried so hard but it was difficult. especially in his position.

he knew she would never like him, yet alone love him. it was common sense. someone like her would never be interested in someone like him. but little did he know, she sat up all night questioning her feelings too.

dan had written letters, notes that he wanted to give her everyday telling her that she's beautiful and smart and worth it, but he kept them stacked under his bed, locking away his feelings from the world.

as the months passed, it finally hit half a year that delilah had been working there. she couldn't believe it, it seemed as if it went by so quickly. tom had left, giving delilah the job of now taking care of phil, which was much harder than expected. he was a sweet boy, though.

dan had become jealous of phil. she had been spending a lot of time with the dark haired boy lately, and that upset dan. now that she had to nurse dan, fran and phil, he had less time to talk to her. he tried getting her attention by smoking, or coughing when he was around her. but she was too busy working or talking to someone else. it was wierd to think how only 6 months ago she was new, vulnerable, scared. now  she knew everything and everyone. she was so prepared for everything, and that scared dan.

the clock struck 6pm, meaning all patients were given food. dan watched as she kneeled down next to fran, and gave her a small sandwich and a bottle of water. he admired how she looked at her, as if she was her guardian. he watched as she sauntered over to his cell, unlocking it, but not looking up from her clipboard. "would you like beef or chicken?"

he shrugged, looking down at his feet. "daniel, please answer me." anger swirled in his stomach, no one calls him daniel. only his family did, and his family aren't with him anymore. a large pool of frustration crawled up his throat and screamed, "i don't give a shit!"

she looked taken back, finally looking up from her clipboard. dark circles rimmed her eyes, her skin looking paler which made her freckles stand out. she looked so tired. the tears forming her eyes as she met dans brown ones, they made his heart drop. he was so stupid, so inconsiderate for shouting at her. but he couldn't help it, it was like someone was forcing him to shout. "i-i'm sorry i didn-"

she bit her lip, handing him a bag. "it's fine, call me if you want a biscuit afterwards. therapy is at 8." and she stormed out, looking almost disappointed. dan frowned before taking a seat on his rock hard bed and munching on the stale sandwich.

the hours passed, as the clock struck 8. she arrived at the front of his cell, leading him out and into the empty, cold therapy room. goosebumps rose on his skin from the cold breeze entering from the slightly open window. he tugged on the sleeves of his orange jumper, frowning as she sat down on the floor infront of him. "how are you, dan?"


there was no point in lying.


"because i love someone and she doesn't love me back and it hurts so much.."

she frowned, fiddling with the pen in her hand. "i understand."

he shook his head, furrowing his eyebrows, "no you don't, you have no clue how it feels to love someone so much but get blanked by them. you don't know, delilah! i'm sick of this fucking place, i want to be free! no wonder i'm so messed up, i'm stuck in a fucking mental asylum! a MENTAL ASYLUM. i need to lea-"

she hushed him, putting her finger over his lips. he instantly shut up, his eyes traveling down to her lips. oh how he so badly wanted to kiss them. "please trust me dan. you'll be out of here quicker than you think." and she gave him a wink.

his head spun. his thoughts became cloudier as he imagined what it would like to be free, and with her. how they would buy a huge house and have two amazing jobs, they would get married and have an amazing wedding. then after they would have two beautiful children. and they would grow old together, every memory would be with each other. but his dreams were crushed when she called out his name. "dan, how has the medication been for you?"

he shrugged, glancing behind her, seeing a dark shadow. to be completely fair, this medication has been the worst he's had yet. he keeps seeing things, voices in his head telling him to do things he knows her shouldn't, but they control him. sm they make him do what they want him to do, and he hates it. "they're fine."

she gives him a concerned look, glancing up at him from her book and searching  his eyes. "i know you're lying dan. i'm trying to change them for you."

"thanks." he mumbled. they talked for about half an hour. just things about how his mental heath was and how his self harm was. hey even talked about how to stay happy in the asylum, which made Delilah happy knowing he would try.

as they got out, dan shoved his hands in his pockets and walked away into his cell. that was strange, he usually talked to her along the way back. she shrugged it off, thinking he was just having a bad day because doesn't everyone?

she reached his cell, entering quietly and saw him sobbing on the floor. her smile turned down into a frown as she sat next to him, pulling him into her arms. "shh, what's wrong?"

he hiccuped, "i want out of here, im not insane, please, i promise you." her heart throbbed in sadness for him. she wanted to let him go, she wanted him to escape and live a happy life. he wasn't mentally fucked. he self harmed, he had voices but it's not to the extent where we goes to the worst floor in a fucking mental asylum.

she rocked him back and forth, whispered reassuring words into his neck. nurses walked past, staring as she did so. but she didn't care.

all she cared for was whether dan was happy or not.


oh god i'm sorry for such a shitty chapter, next chapter will be up on saturday.

what do you guys think of the third person? honest opinions lol

thank you all for 250 reads!! that's insane!!

i love you all, have a good week xx


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