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that is ophelia and the bikini she wears in the chapter. she has the typical good looking body but i want to let you know your body is beautiful no matter what. EVERY BODY IS BEAUTIFUL AND YOU SHOULD NEVER PUT YOURSELF DOWN OR LET ANYONE ELSE DO IT BECAUSE YOUR BODY DOESNT LOOK LIKE THE USUAL MODEL BODY. YOUR BODY IS BEAUTIFUL AND SO ARE YOU.


There was something incredibly soothing about being in a car with the windows rolled all the way down. A smile was proudly set on Ophelia's lips as she felt the wind against her skin of her arm that was outside the window. She loved this. One of her hands was resting on Michael's thigh while the other one was carelessly feeling the wind; a song by The Maine was playing from a playlist Calum had made and Ophelia was so fucking sure she was invincible. Nothing could stop her, the world was theirs and they would make something great out of it. But then again, it might have just been the illusion created by being alone with four friends on a trip that gives the feeling they're not ruled by their parents or anyone else.

The early morning sun had drops of sweat running down their foreheads as Calum promised again they were almost there.

"D'ya think he's lost?" Michael whispered close to Ophelia's ear as he pointed to the tanned boy behind the wheel who kept checking his phone's GPS.

"Most likely." The girl giggled and rested her head on Michael's shoulder.

Lip sat beside Michael in deep sleep as his forehead was pressed against the window. Aria was groaning in the passenger seat after Calum assured her for the eleventh time that they weren't lost.

Ophelia's eyelids started fluttering shut as Michael kept tracing patterns on her thigh however her peace was disturbed by a loud cheer coming from Calum.

"Yes! I told you we weren't lost, see, I got us here!" The sweaty boy cheered and parked the car.

Lip was woken up by Calum's loud cheers and looked around noticing they were already at the campsite.

"I was so sure we'd end up dead in an alley." Lip mumbled and reached for the door handle eager to stretch his legs after the long drive.

"You guys have no faith in me." Calum whined and did the same as lip.

After everyone exited the car and grabbed their stuff the five kids started walking to the entrance and were greeted by the camp's reception.

They weren't paying for their stay because Aria's parents were good friends with the owner so the receptionist recognized her immediatly leaving her place on the small booth to hug her tightly.

"So, you know the camp and where the lake is an all, make yourself at home!" The nice receptionist said and Aria thank her before leading her friends inside.

Apparently, she knew the best place to set the tents, a small spot close to the lake but also not so far from the bar. It was hidden in between some tall trees so the other campers weren't close and wouldn't complain if they made too much noise at night.

"Let's set the tents, it's only seven fucking am, I need sleep." Lip groaned and started getting his tent ready.

They had only brought three tents, Michael and Ophelia would share and so would Aria and Calum.

Ophelia didn't know how to set the tents so she sat on the grass as her friends worked, it was quite amusing though, they were groaning and screaming at each other while Ophelia was just watching it all. Yes, she could've read the instructions but the other four were already a screaming mess.

Forty minutes and a whole lot of groans later, the three tents were standing and Ophelia clapped excitedly receiving glares from her friends.

"Nice work, guys!" Ophelia said and chuckled when Lip raised his middle finger before going into his tent. "Well, that was rude."

"We're gonna go grab something to eat, you two comin'?" Calum asked after wrapping his arm around Aria's shoulder.

"No, I wanna go to the lake." The girl felt her skin start to burn under the sun and a dip in cool water seemed like heaven.

Michael told them he would join Ophelia and both waved when Calum and Aria walked away.

"I already have my bikini on, go put on your swim trunks!" Ophelia gently pushed Michael in the tent but he was quick to steal a kiss from the pretty girl. "Smooth, uh?" She giggled and connected their lips once again, her hands travelled to Michael's cheeks feeling the small stubble that had started to grow. "Alrighty, enough, go put on your swim trunks!"

Michael smiled and patted Ophelia's bum before going inside the tent.


Ophelia squeaked when Michael splashed water in front of her face. "Asshole!" She screamed before throwing her body on Michael's back. Instead of wrapping his hands around her legs to hold her on his back Michael pulled her in front of him. "Hi."

"Hello. You look pretty when you're wet, I witnessed it last night-"

"Michael!" Ophelia interrupted him and felt her cheeks heat up which was unusual, she was always confident when boys flirted with her.

"I'm sorry, gorgeous. I had to." A cute giggle fell from Michael's lips remind Ophelia he was still the cutest kitten on earth - who could occasionally become a fucking sex god and holy shit his tongue- "So, I need to ask you something."

"What is it, doll?" Ophelia smiled when she saw Michael's cheek redden slightly at the nickname.

"Well, do you wanna be my girlfriend?" Michael's voice was firm and confident as he spoke those words straight away.

"Oh wow, I'll have to think about it-Yes." Ophelia watched Michael's smile grow and she quickly placed her lips over his sweetly.

"You had nothing to think about, I bet you never came that hard like you did last night, baby." The black haired boy spoke with a smirk on his lips and bumped his nose with Ophelia's when she rolled her eyes at him even though she knew it was true.

"I hate you." She mumbled and pecked Michael's cute nose.

'The pale boy mumbled for Ophelia to hold her breath before he pulled them both underneath the cold water. Once they were under water Michael opened his eyes and mentally froze his sight as if his life was a movie. Ophelia's hair was around her like an aura as her eyes were tightly shut because she mentioned they would sting if she opened them under water. He nose was crinkled and her hands were gripping on Michael's arms, she looked like an angel. Michael's angel.

Michael quickly grabbed the back of her neck and pulled their lips together still underwater. His lungs were burning for oxygen but his heart was burning with desire and happiness. The boy watched his girlfriend open her eyes after they parted away from their very quick kiss, even though Ophelia knew her eyes would sting and burn she needed to open them because she had to see Michael, she craved the sight of the pretty pale boy.

And as both of them swam back to the surface and gasped for air as they held on onto each other oh so tightly, Michael was sure falling in love was just like drowning. It's scary and your lungs burn for so many reasons but in the end, if you're lucky, someone will pull you out of whatever was holding you down. Ophelia is that someone for Michael and all he could do was hope to be that someone for her as well.


idk how to feel about this but i tried to make it cute?

i hope you are having a good day! tell me about it like any good drama or good jokes? im in need of good jokes (pls comment gr8 puns oh my god)

i updated quickly yall u better be proud


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2016 ⏰

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