1. Roomates

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I stand beside the taxi, clutching to my suitcase handle, a strained smile plastered on my face. I'd never done something like this before. I'd gone to sleepovers with friends when I was smaller, but I wouldn't of been gone for more than two nights at most. This was different. I was going to be living here.
"Have you packed everything?" My mother asks brightly, eyeing me closely. My sister Harry stands next to her, hands dug into her coat pocket with a usual dismissive look on her face.
"Yeah yeah it's fine mum," I reply in a flustered tone.
She bites her lip.
"I'm sorry your father couldn't be here to say goodbye. He said that he had an important meeting at work and, well he couldn't miss it."
Countless other cars have begun to pull up at the kirb, with students clambering out and milling around the front entrance. I wish they would just leave already.
"Look c'mon mum we've been here long enough," Harry says, clearly bored.
"I think we should just leave John to get settled."
Mum nods and gives a sigh.
"Please be safe won't you. We'll see you at Christmas."

I stand there for a moment, watching as the taxi turns and makes it's way back down the road. I wasn't upset to leave them, but I wasn't exactly happy either. I begin to pick up the last of my belongings before heading up the steps towards the main entrance, dragging my suitcase behind me. It's very crowded now, groups of students dotted around the hallway, all laughing and talking. There's a staircase to my left and I head that way, searching for my dorm. There's two buildings, one for the boys and another for the girls. I continue up the stairs and down the corridor until I reach the last room on the left. The key turns in the lock and I push open the door.

It's a modestly sized room. Two beds are sat against the left wall, separated with a bedside table. Two more chest-of -drawers are placed below the window and a bookcase and desk are next to the door. I dump my belongings down on the bed closest to the window and lay down, exhausted. This is my my room now. I'll spend the nights here, study here, I'll meet my new roommate here. But without doubt I'd be back at home for the holidays, as much as I don't want to.

Two voices emerge suddenly from outside, it sounds like an argument to me. They begin to grow closer and I sit up, listening closely. A few seconds later the door swings open and a tall boy with curly brown hair bursts in, closely accompanied by an older boy with reddish brown hair.
"Now if you excuse me brother mine, I think that you should go."
The younger of the two gives a sarcastic smile and closes the door in the other's face. He turns to look at me and notes the confusion on my face.
"John Watson," I say, slightly surprised.
"You know you're the third roommate I've had in my time here. Apparently people don't seem to like me. Can't think why," he says casually.
"I'm Sherlock Holmes."
A/N - So this was the first chapter, I hope you enjoyed and please vote :)

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