4. Feelings For Him

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"What?" Sherlock says, I can hear the uncertainty in his voice.
"What do you want?"
"You know what I want Sherlock," Jim Moriarty teases.
I can feel Sherlock's grip tighten.
"Just hand over the documents," I say weakly.
Jim smirks and waves them out towards us. I snatch them away from him and glance towards Sherlock, who's still watching him.
"I'll see you boys later."
Jim turns on his heel and strides off down the hallway. As soon as he's gone I pull away from Sherlock, my face red.
"Are you okay?" Sherlock asks, turning to me.
I nod slightly, still bemused.
"Yeah, yeah. Just a bit out of breath."
He smiles warmly.
"Right, I'm going down to the grounds, do you fancy coming?"

Together we make our way down into the grounds. It's mostly empty, only a few students mill around here, dressed in hats and gloves. The wind beats down onto us and we find a spot under an oak near the lake. I lean back against it, clutching to the sleeves of my sweater. I don't bring up the hand-holding incident.
"Do you know what Jim wanted?" I ask Sherlock, mainly to take my mind off of the cold.
He looks at me and bites his lip.
"Hm? Oh, it's nothing to worry about right now."
Sherlock watches me almost sternly.
"You're cold," he states.
"I'm fine," I mutter.
He shakes his head and stands up, tugging off his coat and throwing it over to me.
"Put that on, it'll keep you warm."
I say nothing and slip on the coat. It's way too big for me but it's cozy enough.
"Thank you," I mumble, wrapping it around me.
"Any time," he replies, sitting back down next to me."

Over time our minds begin to wonder and we start to talk about school, and our families. The boy with Sherlock on that first day was his older brother, Mycroft.
"An absolute idiot," Sherlock says, rolling his eyes.
This makes me laugh, which results in him joining in. I don't mention my father or Harry until Sherlock brings it up.
"What's your sister like?"
"How did you know I had a sister?" I point out.
"Your textbooks are old, probably passed down onto you. This means it was likely that you have an older sibling. The label on your suitcase looked like a girl's handwriting before it was scribbled out and replaced with your name. Simple enough."
Most of the other students hated all of his little deductions but I happened to find them amazing.
"Harry and I don't really get on," I say simply.
"Never really have done. My parents clearly prefer her over me but I don't mind."
Sherlock looks at me intently.
"Well I think you're brilliant," he replies.
My cheeks immediately flush red, I can feel it.
"Sherlock I have to ask," I mumble.
"are you gay?"
He doesn't answer at first.
"John I think you should know that I don't have time for relationships," he explains calmly.
"Oh no I wasn't asking you if you wanted to um date. Well, I was kinda but it doesn't matter."
Sherlock beams.
"Well then maybe I can make an exception."

A/N: Hey guys sorry that I'm taking long on this I'm very busy with school atm but I will try and update regularly.
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