6. Snowfall

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On the last few days of November it begun to snow. About four inches of snow fell and resulted in the lake freezing over in the grounds. Sherlock often stated that it was a nuisance but in my opinion, I thought it was beautiful.

It's the last week before the Christmas holidays and lay in bed, re-reading a book I brought from home. It's a lazy day. One where most other students would be packing their suitcases in fact. But I have no real joy in visiting my family over the holidays so packing can wait till the last minute. I hear a creak of the door and glance up to see Sherlock stood there, wrapped in his coat and scarf. He smiles warmly.
"You're not busy are you?"
I look down at my book and place it back in my bag.
"No not at all," I reply.
We finished all of our exams a few days ago so now it's just the gap between them and Christmas.
"Well would you come outside with me for a moment..I've got something to show you," he says casually.

When I'm ready, Sherlock takes my hand and leads me down towards the grounds. It's still snowing lightly by the time we arrive there. Together we make our way down a dug-out pathway and he stops just as we reach the lake. I frown at him, slightly confused. Without saying anything, he gestures towards the layer of ice covering the lake.
"John Watson a couple of days ago you told me that you'd never been ice-skating before. Right?"
I nod slowly, finally realising what's going on.
"Well, would you care to join me?"
He steps on to the ice and I cling to his hand, stepping on after him. I have to admit I'm not the most graceful person in the world. I'm used to sports like football and rugby. But Sherlock's a master at it, very precise. It takes a few seconds before I fall however, crashing down onto my stomach. I hear Sherlock chuckle as he helps me back to my feet.
"Don't worry, you'll get better at it," he reassures me, his cheeks flushing a rose colour. I stand on my tip-toes and give him a small kiss on the cheek before trying again.

By around twenty minutes I've got the hang of it. Holding each-other's hand we glide down the lake together, while Sherlock talks about seeing his family for Christmas.
"Christmas is so boring," he says with a frown, while I stop to regain my balance.
"I don't find it boring," I say quickly. "I mean you get to decorate the house and it normally snows."
He watches me intently.
"Well that's what it's supposed to be like," I continue in a mutter. "Not just dad's excuse to fill up on beer."
"You can always come to my house for Christmas. It gets dull there sometimes."
I shake my head.
"Don't worry about it Sherlock, I'll be fine," I explain.
He leans over and kisses me on the lips.
"Well as long as you're okay that's all I care about," he says, standing back up and taking my hand again.


By the time we get back to the dorm the sky has already started to get dark. I kick off my shoes and close the door behind me. Sherlock's sat on his bed, watching me. I smile and walk over to him. I sit next to him and he puts his arm around me. I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes.
"Merry Christmas John," he says softly.
"Merry Christmas Sherlock."

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