13. The Case Re-Opens

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The ride back up to the school was a miserable one. On the first day of January, Sherlock and I rode in the back of his parent's car with our luggage by our feet. The snow had almost all completely vanished now apart from the odd bit here and there. Christmas was officially over. As we pulled up next to the school, I could see all of the other students making their way up the main stairwell, or waving goodbye to loved ones. It made me slightly nervous watching all of them. I knew that they were going to pester me about what happened in the holidays between myself and Moriarty at one point.
"Have fun boys," the Holmes' mother chirps brightly from the driver's seat.
"We'll see you next term! And please for the love of God stay safe."
Sherlock, me, and also Mycroft (who was sat skulking in the front passenger seat) climb hastily out of the vehicle, dragging out belongings along with us. As soon as we reach the main entrance, Mycroft departs, making his way towards the stairwell alone. That leaves just me and the younger Holmes brother. Sherlock surveys the hallway before turning to me and whispering in my ear.
"How many people do you think had a bit too much to drink at a Christmas party during the holidays and got a bit naughty?"
I smirk slightly before folding my arms.
"Well you're obviously desperate to tell me so please, I'm intrigued," I reply.
Sherlock straightens himself and grins smugly.
"Ten at the moment but there'll probably be more later."
I laugh at this but it's soon interrupted by running footsteps.

"Sherlock, John!" I hear a girl's voice cry and I turn to see Molly Hooper hurrying towards us, Chemistry textbooks poking out of her bag. Without warning she pulls us both into a close hug before retreating sheepishly.
"How are you both? How were the holidays?" She asks with an innocent smile.
Sherlock isn't really paying attention so I nod as not to seem rude.
"It was fine yeah," I say, clearing my throat.
"Well I spent the remainder of it at Sherlock's house actually."
The curly-haired boy turns around sharply at the mention of his name.
"Hm? Oh yes John spent Christmas at mine," he explains, glancing down at me.
Molly's cheeks flush.
"Well that's um nice," Molly says.
"And are you two just friends or?"
Sherlock's quickest to reply.
"More than just friends actually Molly," he informs the girl.
Surprise spreads across her face.
"Right then."
She takes a moment to compose herself but afterwards she seems fine with the idea.
"I'll see you in class," I say to Molly, turning to Sherlock. She takes this as her cue to leave and she hurries off again.

We make our way up to the boys' dormitories and when we reach the last room down the hallway, I turn the key in the lock, pushing the door open afterwards so that Sherlock and I can enter. It's exactly how we had left it before the holidays, which helps me to relax a bit. Nobody has been snooping around, or if someone has then they've left everything back in the right place where it belongs. I dump my bag down on the bed and give an exhausted sigh.
I'm tired to unpack right away. But Sherlock has already slipped his laptop out of his suitcase and is laid on his bed, browsing casually.
"I'm just going to get some lunch from the dining hall," I say, clearing my throat.
"Want to join me?"
"Not hungry," he replies in a bored tone, eyes still fixed on the computer screen. I roll my eyes slightly, knowing what he's like, before heading back outside. The dining hall is surprisingly empty. My first guess is that everyone got something to eat on the journey back to school. I pick up a tray from the rack and grab two sandwiches from the deli and a bottle of water. Just as I'm about to leave, somebody taps my shoulder. Mary Morstan. I haven't really spoken to her much, I've only talked to her when she's been with Molly.
"Oh er hi," I mumble in surprise.
Her blonde hair is just about resting on her shoulders and her uniform has been nearly ironed.
"There's a rumour going around that you were kidnapped over Christmas," she states.
"Is it true?"
I glance at her uncomfortably for a minute.
"Well yeah I guess," I mutter in response.
Her lip curls.
"Poor thing. You can always come visit me if you need to."
I quickly understand what she means.
"Mary I can't."
She eyes the sandwiches on my tray.
"Well I'm sorry for interrupting your lunch, I'll see you around."
My cheeks flush a hot read and I head back to the dorm, feeling slightly confused and embarrassed. How many people knew about the kidnapping then?

When I re-enter the room, Sherlock's still lounging on his bed, typing something furiously onto his laptop.
I close the door behind me and make my way over him, holding out a sandwich.
"Here take it," I mumble.
"Even if you're not hungry keep it for later."
He glances up at me curiously and takes the sandwich, leaving it on his bedside table.
As I make my way back to my bed, my foot nudges against something. It's a mask from the drama room. The face on it is almost laughing at me, it's features contorted. I pick it up with a slight frown and turn over to Sherlock.
"Sherlock," I begin.
He smiles slightly.
"Yes John?"
"I didn't know you took drama."
His smile quickly fades.
"Drama? No no John I do dance not drama. Why do you ask?"
I suddenly feel sick. I turn the mask over onto the inside. To my horror, something's been written on it.
'We're not finished yet. Come and find me tonight so we can get things sorted.'
I sway slightly on my spot and rest against the wall, suddenly scared.
"What?" Sherlock says, panic clear in his voice.
"John are you okay?"
"He's back," I croak miserably.

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