19. Epilogue

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A cool breeze rushes through the air, causing all of the trees and bushes to sway lazily around in their places. The day is cloudless. The day is beautiful, and it's fair to say that Summer is in full flow. I lay in the grass, Sherlock close beside me, playing with his curls. I'm dressed in my school football kit whilst Sherlock sports a white shirt and grey shorts. This morning was the last match of the year. We won 5-2 against a neighbouring school and as promised, Sherlock came to support me. In the past he never used to attend the games, but since this was a special occasion he agreed to.

I stretch out and rest my head on the boy's lap. He smiles and watches me for a moment.
"Why did you do it Sherlock," I mumble with a sigh, gazing up at him.
His smile fades.
"I had to convince Jim that he had won, that he had finally beaten me," the boy explains sadly.
He holds his hand out and I cling to it, hoping that I never have to let go.
"I visited your grave you know," I reply.
"And I asked you not to be dead."
Sherlock's grip tightens on my hand.
"I heard you."
He leans over and kisses me on the lips.
"I missed you Sherl," I whisper.
"I missed you too, my little hedgehog."

We lay together for hours in the grass, watching as the sun begins to eventually set.
"So what are you going to do now then?" I ask Sherlock casually.
He frowns at this.
"What do you mean?" He asks, puzzled.
"Well," I begin.
"Schools over I guess, don't you have something you're planning on doing?"
Sherlock thinks for a minute.
"A detective. Consulting detective to be exact," he confirms, his lip curling.
"And you?"
I blush. I'd never really thought of it before.
"Sports won't really get me anywhere so I guess I've always wanted to be a doctor really, don't know why. My dad said it will never happen but I want to prove him wrong."
Sherlock beams at this.
"Imagine it, Doctor Watson will see you now. It's got a nice ring to it," he says dreamily.
I shove him playfully.
"Oh you romantic," I tease grinning up at him.
Sherlock pouts for a minute before laughing along with me.

The sky glows a warm orange colour now, the sun sinking lazily into the horizon. I stand up along with Sherlock and walk with him down the path, hand in hand. When we reach the gate I turn to him, stopping in my spot.
"Sherlock promise me one thing," I say.
"Promise me you'll stay, promise me that you won't leave me again."
He leans over to me, brushing his lips against mine.
"I promise," he says firmly.
"I love you John."
"I love you Sherlock."

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