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10 years later...

       "Illidari" a voice echoed from beneath her tomb.

       "I've spent my entire life as keeper of the wicked..." The voice continued. The captured soul opened her eyes.

       "Thousands of years, my only solace knowing the world is kept safe from your kind" Maiev's armored nail scratched the icy barriers of her tomb.

        "But I would do anything to save Azeroth" with a slice of her umbra crescent, Maiev shattered the icy cages that held Maylria at bay. She fell to the floor, defenseless. Hate still filled her heart. 'Fool! I will kill you' she thought as she looked up from the floor and stood up.

       The warden walked up to the small armory in the chamber and grabbed Maylria's warglaives. "Even if it means releasing you" she tossed Maylria her glaives as she rose.

       "Will you help us, demon hunter?" Maylria's fury increased. How dare she ask for their help after imprisoning them and killing their leader? The situation must be grave if she asked for their aid. Had the demons invaded once again? She heard the commotion taking place outside the room.

       Maylria straightened up and stretched her wings. "What is the plan?" She asked the Warden with a distasteful tone in her voice.

       "Free your Illidari and meet me on the top floor. I will need your aid stopping Gul'dan". Maiev ran from the room in search for the perpetrators.

       'Gul'dan?' Maylria wondered. 'Isn't he dead?' she pushed her thoughts to the back of her mind and had done what the warden asked of her and freed the rest of the imprisoned Illidari. Her commanders were still alive and well, she was thankful for that. Among them was the long lost Altruis the Sufferer. It seems he had conflict with another of her elite demon hunters named Kayn Sunfury. They had different views on Illidan and it made them intolerable for the both of them.

       "Lady Maylria! You must choose at once your second in command before one of them ends up injured" a demon hunter pleaded.

       "Altruis! Kayn! Enough!" The elves ceased fighting and bowed apologetically at her. "I understand your situation but now is not the time for disputes amongst ourselves!"

       She glanced at Altruis. "I am sorry Altruis, but you betrayed your people and that cannot be forgiven. But if you do wish to redeem yourself, you can always come to me".

       "Save your apologies. Let us hope you do not follow Illidan's same path of insanity. Farewell" he stormed out of the room.

Maylria's troops quickly made their way to Maiev were they witnessed Gul'dan and a former Watcher, named Cordana, take Illidan through a portal. Maiev followed them; she would have also followed if it wasn't for the Warden's warning.

       "You must survive, demon hunters! Seek the one named Archmage Khadgar. He can be trusted" with that she disappeared into the portal.

       Once the Illidari made their way out of the Vault, a crow descended upon them and in a blink of an eye, turned into a human.

       "Hello champions! I am Archmage Khadgar, leader of the Kirin Tor! May I ask who your leader is?" he asked cheerfully.

       "That would be me. My name is Maylria Moonfeather and I am the second of my kind" Maylria stepped out from the crowd and extended her wings.

       "An honor to meet you, Maylria" the Archmage bowed. "I bare grave news... The Legion has once again invaded our homeland. Will you help us destroy them?"

       "It is our purpose in life and death to put an end to the Legion. We will offer you our aid" she replied.

       "Very well" the Archmage paused. "I must warn you before we set flight to our destination. Back in Azeroth, as you may very well know, there exists two factions who, to put it nicely, do not agree with each other. It is of my advice to you that you send a blood elf representative to meet with the Horde".

       "Very well. Allari, I leave you in charge of our Illidari formally known as blood elves" she commanded the female blood elf, and the disciple nodded.

       "But know this; my people will not serve the Horde nor the Alliance in their petty wars. We are Illidari, and we are a family. We will not fight each other for the sake of either faction. Our enemy is the Legion, not one another. Make that clear to the Horde's leader". Her voice spewed venom. "I will deal with the Alliance myself".

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