Prologue: Don't eat ice cream and drink wine.

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Song for the chapter: "Dear Future Husband" - By Meghan Trainor.


It wasn't supposed to be like this. She had plans. She was supposed to be travelling to every exotic location known to man, spending her days in stylish bikinis and her nights in the arms of a tanned man. She was supposed to be selling her brand and her work to the biggest companies across the world.

She was supposed to be living.

But, as it always seems to go, life never works out the way you want it to. Vanessa Brady never imagined her life to be the way it was but, as is usually warned, it only takes one naive decision to change it all. It only takes one moment to redirect your predetermined journey and instead, giving you the front row ticket on the crazy train.

She doesn't resent anyone but herself but, she does regret letting her dreams pass her by. She had hopes much like any twenty-one year old filled with the fairytale version of adult life. She wanted to study fashion and be the next Prada or Wang. She had planned on exploring the world and herself. She was going to have it all but, that one night changed everything.

He was charming, charismatic and very egotistical. He had the right looks and the right words to make any girl swoon while dropping her skirt. He had that ability on every female and she was no different. He sweet talked her, proclaimed his love and devotion to her. He was protective and loyal. He was chivalrous without falling victim to stereotyping. He inspired her and encouraged her.

He was her first love.

Cole Wayward promised her the world on a very shiny platter and, at twenty-one, she would have been dumb not to take him up on his offer.

It was a night she would never forget. He was slow and passionate. He took care of her and ensured that their moment was romantic. Weeks had passed after and it seemed as though that night simply pushed their relationship to more extreme heights. She had felt as though she was constantly floating; living in her delusions.

It all changed two months later as it usually does. Her monthly friend forgot to visit and the panic sent them both into a heavy argument. When the doctor awarded them with the results and a large grin, her world shattered.

She was having a baby.

It wasn't supposed to be this way. They were planning years of freedom before the shackles. Babies are complications and theirs was no different. She panicked and looked for support but, he ran like the thief he was. She had never heard from him again. But, months had quickly passed and her heartbreak was forced to the side as her responsibilities shifted.

It wasn't about her anymore, it never would be again.

Axel Jones Brady was born and despite her previous uneasiness about it all, she never loved another the way she instantly loved him. He looked like his father, with his sharp jaw and nose. He had her wide eyes and his raven hair. He had his daddy's strength but her kind heart. He was gorgeous and all hers. She wouldn't trade him for any riches in the world. However; despite how much she loved her son, it were on days like today where she would wish for just a moment that she never had him and that her life had gone according to plan.

She was officially the last one. The email had come through an hour ago, the bold lettering celebrating the happy union. She was now officially the only one in her group of friends who wasn't married or even in a relationship.

"I'm pathetic. I have finally reached my rock bottom." Vanessa stared longingly into the bottom of her now empty wine bottle. "I'm going to die alone with only an empty bottle for company."

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