Chapter 2: What are we doing?

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Song for the chapter: "Want you to want me" - by Jason Derulo.


"So how are you feeling?" Annabelle whispered into Vanessa's ear, her body leaning against the corner of the beige wall with her shoulder resting against Vanessa's. Vanessa stood on the other edge of the sharp corner, her eyes watching her wedding guests being interviewed in various corners of the ballroom, some in groups and some as individuals.

Vanessa sighed before pulling her attention away from the mess of her wedding and looked towards Annabelle. "I think I made a mess of things."

"What do you mean?"

"The interview," Vanessa elaborated. "I think I messed it up."

"How can you mess the interview up? It was only done to find out what you thought of Jonah."

"Yes but, I think I was maybe too honest about what I thought of him."

Annabelle's eyes went wide before she turned her body completely towards Vanessa. "What did you say?"

Vanessa grimaced. "I may have mentioned how against gingers I am and how Jonah is the furthest thing from the usual guy I date."

"Oh Nessa," Annabelle frowned. "That must look bad."

"Of course it does! It makes me look like a superficial brat."

Annabelle carefully laid her hand to pat Vanessa's shoulder in sympathy. "I'm sorry, but maybe it's better that you are as honest as you were."

"How is it better?" Vanessa asked.

"Well, for Nick and me, I know that it helped our relationship a lot when we both just took the time to sit and tell the other what it was we were looking for in our marriage. It just helps you understand the other person better. I mean it sounds terrible to admit on live TV how ugly you think your husband is but, at least Jonah knows what he's getting into with the marriage. He knows not to expect a TV romance and instead that, if there's a possibility of you both falling in love, he knows it will be because you love him for who he is. It's important to always be honest."

Vanessa frowned; her lips pulling in an adorable pout. "I understand what it is you're saying and you have a point but, it doesn't take away the fact that I just told everyone watching this thing that I will never find him attractive. And to make things worse, I've officially been married for an hour and I've spoken to you more than to my husband."

"Where is Jonah anyway?" Annabelle asked, her head moving to scan through the various faces in the ballroom.

"He's still doing his interview."

"Still?" Annabelle asked in amazement. "That's a long time."

Nodding, Vanessa continued to grimace before nibbling on her thumb nail. "I know and it's making me worry. Do you think he's trying to back out of the marriage?"

"It's not possible right?" Annabelle asked. "Didn't Eden say that once the vows are exchanged, you're tied together for a year?"

"Yes but, it doesn't mean he isn't behind a door begging Eden to find a loophole in the contracts."

"Oh Nessa," Annabelle sighed. "What is it that's really worrying you? Are you that set on being married to Jonah that you're risking giving yourself an ulcer with all this stress?"

"It's only now that I have a moment to myself that it finally hit me what I just did, and on TV! I married a man I've never met before. Who does that? Jonah could be a serial killer or a paedophile. What about AJ?"

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