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Song for the chapter: "Forever and for always"- by Shania Twain.  


"Wow. I can't believe there are so many people here."

"This is good. This is what we want." Her sparkly manicured fingers gripped his bicep, the tips making crescents in his flesh. "Did I not tell you it would be a success?"

He smiled nervously. "I just never anticipated this." He ran his fingers through his short red hair and looked around nervously at the mass of people. They stood in long queues, their grins wide in excitement with their hands clutched around hardcovers. 

"This is going to be huge. Enjoy the attention Mr. Peterson because this is only the beginning." Jonah smiled at his agent Natalie. Her platinum dyed hair was pulled in a tight bun and it helped in amplifying her wrinkles. 

"Wow there's a lot of people here." Jonah grinned as Nick approached him with little Sofia walking beside him. They greeted on another, Nick eagerly congratulating Jonah on his success. "How does it feel to have all these people waiting just to meet you and have you sign a copy of your book."

Jonah smiled brightly. "Unbelievable."

Nick clapped his hand on Jonah's shoulder. "We're proud of you man. So, where's that beautiful wife yours?"

Jonah grinned. "She needed the bathroom. You know how it is."

Nick laughed. "Yeah pregnancy bladder was the worst to deal with. I remember how Annabelle would always need the bathroom at the worst times."

"Who are we talking about?" Jonah looked behind him to see AJ walking towards him, his unevenly shaved hair now growing in one length. 

"Hey buddy." Jonah lifted AJ up into his arms. "Where's your mother. I thought you went to the bathroom with her?"

"I'm here." Jonah looked to see Vanessa waddling towards him. Her large third trimester stomach bulged in front of her. He stood frozen staring at the beautiful woman in front of him. Her thick dark hair was tied up and her glowing face was on display for him to stare at. Her silver wedding ring contrasted against her olive skin causing butterflies to swirl inside of him. 

He still couldn't believe they were married and with their first child on the way. So much had changed in the past three years and he couldn't be happier. 

Jonah dropped AJ to the floor and let him and Sofia disappear towards the children's section of the book store. "Hi my love. I was wondering where you were." Jonah leaned down to place a heavy kiss on his wife's lips. 

When his lips were away from his, Vanessa smiled up at him, dazed. "I love kissing you." He grinned and allowed Vanessa to greet her brother. 

Vanessa looked out the store and rapped an arm around her husbands' waist. "' so proud of you Jonah. You've worked so hard to get this book done and now look at you. There's a large group of people here to see you just because of your book."

He grinned. "Can't believe it either, but I have you to thank for my success. You were my inspiration."

Jonah grinned noticing the vibrant hue decorate her cheeks as she blushed and dipped her head in embarrassment. "At least there's a happy ending in both stories."

Jonah leaned in to kiss Vanessa, but a manicured hand separated them. Natalie frowned and tsked the couple. "No lovey dovey stuff. It's time to sign books. This is only the start of your book tour."

He sighed but smiled nonetheless. With Natalie's back turned, Jonah bent down quickly and placed a kiss on Vanessa's forehead. He threw her a wink and then left to begin the first stop of his debut book tour.

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