This one I had to go pretty deep for. Anyways, before I start in, I updated something kind of like this in How I Know I'm Crazy, and so I was like, let's just make a random Hamilton book. The content in this is only going to be connected by the fact that it has to do with Hamilton. I'm warning you now, it's going to be all over the place.
Let's set the stage. In Take A Break, the song begins with Eliza and Philip counting in French. Later in the song, Philip counts again by himself. Skip to Blow Us All Away, not only is the "9 yr old" rap referenced, Philip counts to himself in the duel in French.
Eacker shoots early.
Stay Alive (Reprise), Philip says to Eliza as she enters: "Mom I'm so sorry for forgetting what you taught me."
Philip thought he counted wrong, when in reality, Eacker cheated and shot him early.
There's that.