The big move

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"Nat! Come on we got to finish packing your room!", my father yelled as he banged on my, locked, bedroom door.

"No!! I'm not leaving! You never asked if I wanted to leave!", I yelled as I sat on my bed with my legs pulled up to my chest and my arms wrapped around them. I never wanted to leave. Why do we have to leave! I just started senior year and turned eighteen... it's stupid! Just because...

Just because mom died doesn't mean we have to move from the house I grew up in, but dad wants a fresh start away from everything I grew up knowing.

I was brought out of my thoughts by my father knocking on the door harder. "I said we are finishing your packing today! You only have one day of school left here so get over it!", he hit the door one last time before I heard him stomping away and then the slam of his door.

He hasn't become abusive... yet... he's been drinking a lot though and his anger problems have gotten a lot worse. He's stopped taking his medicine for it and now just let's his anger out on the walls and doors of the house. I hear him break down at night. He cries out for mom... I cry for her too, but I don't think dad will ever be the same. They have been together since they were just kids and she was always the one to be able to calm him when he was mad. I think it crushed him and maybe made him go insane when mom died. I've been doing my best not to get on his bad side til I found out dad sold the house and we are moving to a whole new state and town...

I got up from my bed and walked over to my stereo system that I got from my one and only uncle. He works with a lot of electronics so he got my speakers to their max volume. I hooked up my phone to it and played the acapella version of King for a day. 

I started to sing along to it a little as I began to sway to clear my head. I hated my life now I didn't want to leave.. So why is he making me leave? Oh right he doesn't want to live in the house him and mom first bought. Thinking that brought tears to my eyes. I miss her.

Why'd you have to leave mom? Why mom... Everything is going down hill so quickly...

I continued to sway a little bit, but i couldn't hold back the tears and the crack in my voice as I sang the lyrics to myself. Why... Oh why'd you leave..

I collapsed on to my bed with my face in my pillow as another song began to play... It was one of mine and my mother's favorites to sing to because it'd make us happy. She first listened to it in the car and never stopped playing it since. Which is weird for her cause the song isn't her type of music, but she loved it. I think she only really loved it because I did, but any time it came on she would dance with me in the living room to it. We would sing along with it as we did my father would watch from the kitchen door with a smile on his face. My father always loved hearing my mother sing and when I had joined the chorus at my school he said I sounded like my mother when she was younger and how maybe mom would help me if I was good. That always bribed me to be good that way I could learn more from mom. The song was Welcome to the black parade by My Chemical Romance like I said it was weird for her to love it so much since she didn't usually listen to a song like that.

I started singing the lyrics feeling a little better, but feeling empty that she wasn't here to listen to it with me. The song ended, but I kept the stereo on as I grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom attached to my room, so I could take a relaxing shower.

I turned on the water and stripped out of my clothes and got in the warm water. I started to dance along to it in the shower as I did my shower routine and tried to ignore my worries of having to leave the only home I've known for my eighteen years of life.

I sighed as the water had gotten cold and I couldn't stand being under the freezing spray of water anymore. I got out of the shower and got dressed in my Nickelback band shirt and dark blue jeans with my space converse. I started to, unwillingly, pack up my bookshelf and clothes slowly.

As I packed the few things I had left to pack I couldn't help but think about my mother more. She always inspired me to read and learn more things whenever I could. She always said to be kind to others first, but not to let them step on you and if they did then you can be mean. I lived by that and I always tried to inspire others to read by talking about all these books I thought they would like. It's actually how I met both of my best friends. Joy might as well be a ball of literal joy as she was always the one to pick me up when I was in a dark place. I met her when I was only twelve at the library where we were both looking for the same book. 

We ended up talking about all the books we love and suggesting others to each other about how great they were. That was until our mother's had to separate us to finally go home. We have been huge nerds together since.

My other friend Liam I ran into a year later during school, literally. I was reading my book during passing period, but wasn't paying attention to where I was going. We crashed into each other and ended up on the floor together laughing at each other for not paying attention. Then.. I felt my cheeks get warm from the blush starting to spread. Then I started to fall in love with him. That was until he got a girlfriend who is the absolute worst human being in the world. The complete opposite of me as well. Maybe it'd be best to move so I don't have to watch him love her how I want him to love me. Maybe it'd be okay to go back to not feeling any emotion for a while. I'll just fake it until I make it. Yeah, just switch off your emotions Nat it'll be okay. Wait.. the last time I did that it was hard for me to even be kind to others and to even fake being okay. No... I won't do it.. well not unless I have to. I jumped slightly as my father banged on the door again.

"You know what! Since you won't listen to me screw you going to school tomorrow and saying goodbye to your stupid friends. We leave tomorrow morning at four am. I'll drag your ass out of this house if you are not up by then!", he yelled before stomping away.

I felt the tears falling down my cheeks before I completely realized I had started to cry. I was never going to see my friends again... sure I'd be able to keep in touch though texting, but it just is not the same. I sighed as I taped the last box closed and went to lay down on my bed.

God I hope this new school won't be that bad...

Thanks for reading guys be sure to let me know what you think so I can fix whatever needs fixed. 

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