Drunken Tease

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"Where's your... father's room?", Dean asked with disgust evident in his voice when he said "father's". Mr. Winchester and Dean held him by the arms seeing as he was having trouble walking and because he was still looking at me like he wanted to kill me.

"Up the stairs and first door on your left.", I said as I began making my way to the kitchen. As I did Crowley, Mr. Singer, and Mr. Collins followed behind me.

"Nat what are you doing?", Mr. Singer asked as we entered the kitchen.

"I'm doing... stuff.", I said as I walked over to the freezer and pulled out two frozen pizzas and set them on the counter. Then grabbed to pans for them and began to prepare them.

After I put them in I continued to look for more food only to see we didn't have any more. "Really... the only damn things we had to eat were one can of spaghetti and two pizzas?", I said as I slammed the fridge door.

"Nat calm down. Now tell us what you're doing.", Crowley said causing me to jump.

"I forgot I wasn't alone in here.", I said and then laughed to myself a little as I leaned against one of the kitchen counters.

"Let me repeat Crowley's question. What are you doing Nat?", Mr. Collins said as he began to approach me.

"I'm making piazza duh.", I said as I rolled my eyes. I winced a little at my right eye throbbing a bit.

Mr. Singer walked over to stand in front of me. "Let me take a look at that eye.", he said as he reached his hand up to touch it only for me to flinch away from it. He withdrew his hand quickly as he said, "How many times has he hit you?"

I looked away from him only to see Mr. Collins and Crowley looking at me with the same questioning eyes. "He did it for the first time tonight... the rest of the time it was just threats and punching the wall next to me..", I said in a small voice as my eyes drifted to the floor.

The oven timer dinged to tell me the pizzas were done. So I grabbed the oven mitts and pulled them out. "You want some pizza?", I asked them to change the subject.

They seemed to get the hint as they all nodded their heads. I grabbed some plates and cut the pizza then served them each one slice. I looked over to the fridge that I knew was stocked with beer as the men went into the dining room to sit down and eat. I bit my lip as I walked over to it and debated on if I should or not. I mean I'm already drunk... why not be more drunk?

What could go wrong?

I opened it and grabbed one then popped it open against the counter with ease. The only reason it came with ease is because I'd do it for my father when he wanted a beer. If it wasn't open he'd throw the bottle at me or the wall next to me. I learned quickly from that to open it for him.

I looked at the open bottle and slowly brought the drink to my lips. Once it reached them I began to drink the beer greedily like it would be taken if I didn't drink it fast enough.

"What the hell are you doing!", I heard a voice yell at me as I finished the beer in one last gulp.

I looked over to the hallway entrance to see Dean and Mr. Winchester standing there looking at me like I grew three heads. "Um.. What's it look like? I was drinking a beer.", I said as I stumbled over to the trash can.

I glared down at my heels for making me stumble.

Stupid heels...

I hopped on one foot as I began to take my boot off then tossed it next to the hallway door. When I tossed my second boot over I barely missed Dean's leg. "Hey! Watch where you throw those.", he said as he looked at me.

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