New friend

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I slowly walked into the room, but stopped when I realized just how big the room is. It looked to be the size of a studio apartment with the walls painted a royal blue and the boarders white. I looked to my right to see a little kitchen area. It had a little island separating it from the bedroom portion in front of me. The bed itself was queen size with white covers and a nightstand to the left with a desk on the right with a cozy looking chair. There was a white dresser next to it that I could put my stereo on if I did end up staying here and not going home at all. I sighed softly hoping to myself that it wouldn't come to that. I saw two doors to my left while there was a single door on my right. I walked in and made my way to the bed then set my suitcases at the end of it. I went to one of the doors to my left and opened the door to be greeted with a closet full of hangers.

At least I won't have to worry about buying any...

I closed the door again dreading having to hang up all my clothes. I walked to the second door and opened it to see it was the bathroom. I smiled at the thought of not having to share a bathroom with other people. It was fair sized which was good because I have a tendency to move around when putting clothes on after a shower. The walls were a light blue with a sink and little cupboard underneath while the shower and tub combination was to the left of the sink. I couldn't wait to take a bath since the one at our old house was only a standing shower. I stepped back out of the bathroom to see Mr. Collins standing next to the door on the other wall in front of me.

"This is the door that separates your room from your school mate's room. The reason I said you'd meet your roommate is because of this door. It connects the rooms, so if anything should happen and they couldn't get out they could get through here then out your room.", as he said that he pressed a small button next to the door and waited.

"Why'd you press that button?", I asked him as my eyebrows furrowed together.

"The walls in all the rooms are soundproof. We have it that way because of all the blaring music waking people up at night, so this was the solution. The only rooms that don't connect are the classrooms. You also have a doorbell on your actual door and the one connecting you and your roommate. Don't worry they both sound different, so you can tell which to open. The room connecting also stays locked on its own unless the bell is rung and the person on the other side opens the door. It also unlocks when there is an emergency.", he said and just as he finished the door opened up to show a girl with long light brown hair with blonde highlights and dark brown eyes. She was short about 5'5" and looked like if someone hugged her too hard she'd break. She wore the school's uniform with her tie she is supposed to wear on her head as a hairband to hold her hair back. Yet, hair still fell in her face. She was pale, but not sickly pale and wore very little makeup. She was also wearing a small pentagram like necklace that looked different than the other necklaces I have seen like that since this one looked like it had flames around it. 

I wonder why it looks different from other ones...

"Sup Mr. Collins", the girl said as she looked at the tall man in front of her. I could already see the question on her face asking mentally about me.

"This is our new student, Nat. She will be staying in this room for the rest of her time here. Please show her around and explain to her how things are done here.", Mr Collins said as he moved his finger in a beckoning motion for me to go over to them. I did so and came to stand next to them both.

"Hi! I'm Jessie Foster.", she said as she held out her hand to me with a soft smile on her face.

"I'm Nat McGee...", I never was really able to talk to people my own age. Adults were fine, but give me someone my own age was out of the question!

She smiled at me as she adjusted her black rimmed glasses. Her smile must be contagious because soon I found myself smiling back at her. I looked up to Mr. Collins to see he was also smiling. Most likely glad we were getting along well. "Well I'll leave you two here to get to know each other and for Nat to get unpacked. Dinner tonight is at 6 pm. Jessie I trust you will show her there.", he said as he began to walk towards the door to the hallway.

"Can do.", Jessie said as she smiled. The door closed behind him as he left and I went back to looking at Jessie. "So.. would you like some help with your bags?", She asked as she pointed to my bags.

"Yes, please...", I said as I walked back over to them and put them on my bed.

As we began to put my things away Jessie told me the rules and the penalty though she said she hasn't been in trouble but heard there are worse punishments, I began to think about this as a new start for me. A life without having to worry about my father, or at least not worrying about him when I am here for the week.

Except on weekends of course because then I get to do nothing BUT deal with him and worry.

As Jessie and I talked about the school and classes I discovered she was also a senior and had the same classes as I did. Maybe everything will work out after all...

"Nat.. I have a question.", Jessie said as we put my bags in the closet underneath all my neat hanging clothes now.

"Sure go ahead.", I said as I shut the door.

"You want be friends? I mean you are new and I only have four friends here and all...", she said as she looked at the floor. She looked back up only to see I had a smile on my face.

"Yeah. I'd like that.", I said as I walked to stand in front of her and stuck my hand out to her.

"Friends?", she asked.

I nodded my head as she shook my hand and said, "Yeah, friends."

Time for my new beginning...

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